Trade Union JHL is starting Serious Grounds demonstrations – It’s now time to save working life

JHL and other trade unions are reacting to the Government’s merciless line of cuts by organising a series of demonstrations around Finland. The events will begin during the last week of September and continue throughout the autumn.

Member of Trade Union JHL, now if ever is your time to take action. The Orpo Government is going to throttle employee rights, cut social security and cripple the funding of public services.

Working life and the welfare state are being torn apart, which we will not take lying down. #SeriousGrounds is a cry for help of central organisation SAK and trade unions. Your trade union JHL is starting a series of Serious Grounds demonstrations during the last week of September. Participate in order for us to make our voice heard!

If you’re not yet a JHL member, now is the time to join. The more of us there are, the better we can fight the Government.

The first event will be jointly organised by JHL and Service Union United PAM on Rovaniemi Market Square in Northern Finland. During the week, there will be demonstrations around Finland and in social media.

To check out all the events, visit our Serious Grounds page.