Serious Grounds - Strikes 2024
The Government of Finland is planning cuts that will bring misery to working life, worsen the position of employees and weaken social security. We now have serious grounds to take action.
The strikes will be suspended on Monday 8 April
SAK’s Executive Board announced in their meeting on Thursday that trade unions will suspend political industrial action next Monday. SAK’s Executive Board will reassess the situation next time in a meeting on 18 April.
– We shall now give the Government an opportunity to react. The strikes will be suspended as of Monday 8 April. We stand ready to negotiate even before this, SAK President Jarkko Eloranta tells in a press release.
JHL and other trade unions started serious strike action on 11 March
Your trade union JHL is involved in the strikes that started on 11 March. The strikes were originally supposed to last two weeks, but they have been extended twice by one week because the Government of Finland is stubborn in pushing for reforms that will weaken working life and social security.
Ports covered by Service Sector Employers Palta’s collective agreement:
- Etelä-Suomen Satamapalvelut Oy
- Helsingin Satama Oy
- Kokkolan Satama Oy
- Kvarkenhamnar Aktiebolag, Filial I Finland/Merenkurkun Satamat Oy (Vaasa)
- Loviisan Satama Oy
- Naantalin Satama Oy
- Oulun Satama Oy
- Porin Satama Oy
- Raahen Satama Oy
- Rauman Satama Oy
- Silverstone Bay Logistics Oy
- Olmar Pori Oy
Ports covered by employers’ association Avaintyönantajat Avainta’s collective agreement:
- Turun Satama Oy
- Uudenkaupungin Satama Oy
- HaminaKotka Satama Oy
- Kemin Satama Oy
- Hangon Satama-Hangö Hamn Oy Ab
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Monday 11 March 2024 and 11.59 pm on Sunday 7 April 2024. Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people’s life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action. In addition, work supporting passenger traffic in Katajanokka Terminal, Olympia Terminal and West Terminal in Helsinki, as well as work done in the passenger ports of Turku, Naantali and Vaasa are ruled out of the industrial action.
- VR Group: VR Transpoint
- North Rail Oy
- Olmar HaminaKotka Oy (RP Group)
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Monday 11 March 2024 and 11.59 pm on Sunday 7 April 2024. Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people’s life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action. In addition, work supporting passenger traffic in Katajanokka Terminal, Olympia Terminal and West Terminal in Helsinki, as well as work done in the passenger ports of Turku, Naantali and Vaasa are ruled out of the industrial action.
- VR Group: VR Transpoint
- Olmar HaminaKotka Oy (RP Group)
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Monday 25 March 2024 and 11.59 pm on Sunday 7 April 2024. The companies will negotiate locally on the limits of the industrial action.
Strike of export sectors - frequently asked questions
What's the aim of the strikes? How long will they last? The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK has put together a useful information package related to the ongoing political strikes.
Join JHL to oppose working life being torn apart
We ensure that our members' terms and conditions of employment will remain in order. As a member of Trade Union JHL, you'll get a workplace shop steward. They will help you if things don't go like they should with your employer.
When there are storms in working life, the trade union is your safe harbour.

Information about the Government's cuts
#SeriousGrounds is a cry for help of central organisation SAK and its trade unions for working people. The Orpo Government wants to change the first sick day into an unpaid one and make it easier to fire a person and make use of fixed-term employment relationships. The Government is also intending to abolish change negotiations in workplaces with fewer than 50 employees.
In addition, the Government is going to deal heavy blows to public services. Wellbeing services counties are facing savings worth billions. They endanger the social welfare and health care services of Finns, as well as the operations of the rescue sector.
The Government is also going to
- abolish job alternation leave
- abolish the adult education benefit
- limit the right to strike
- shorten the length of political strikes
- make it more difficult to organise sympathy strikes so that strong sectors can no longer support the weaker ones
- crumble the social security of those with a small income
- cut housing allowance by millions
In addition, the Government is going to deal heavy blows to public services. Wellbeing services counties are facing savings worth billions. They endanger the social welfare and health care services of Finns, as well as the operations of the rescue sector.
Orpo-Purra Government's list of cuts
We've put together a comprehensive list of the cuts planned by the Government, download it and share information in social media and in your workplace.

The working life weakenings in the Government Programme are a copy of the employer party's goals
According to a comparison that we made, the Government's working life weakenings are a copy of the goals of business life and employers. Download the comparison file and spread information.
Central organisation SAK has busted myths: 20 + 1 falsehoods used to justify reductions in working conditions
The historically large reductions in working conditions are justified by, say, increasing the employment rate. However, no thorough employment impact assessments have been conducted. While the cuts are allegedly bringing public finances into balance, the tax rate will actually decrease. There is a mismatch between the Government of Finland's words and deeds. Many falsehoods are now being shared in the public debate on weakening conditions of employment. SAK has examined 21 of these.
Trade Union JHL is a member union of the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions (SAK).
SAK's significant compromise not good enough for the Government
The Government has been adamant in its refusal to back off from its cuts, and it has not been willing to engage in talks either. JHL's umbrella organisation SAK has been flexible and demonstrated a willingness to negotiate, but the Government is uncompromising.
– From an employee perspective, the Government Programme contains several harsh working life weakenings and social security cuts. The worst reforms have severe and long-term effects. We've been aiming to make the reforms more reasonable, SAK President Jarkko Eloranta stated in the union's press release in March 2024 (in Finnish).
How can I get involved in the Serious Grounds campaign?
- Follow actively the communications of your regional office and JHL branch, and remember to update your contact information in the myJHL service.
- Participate in strikes, sign petitions and attend demonstrations.
- Spread information at home, at work, on the jogging path, everywhere.
- Like, comment and share in social media by using the hashtags #JHLry and #PainavaSyy (#SeriousGrounds). Let's make our message seen together.
In addition to JHL, other SAK-affiliated unions, too, are organising demonstrations and political industrial actions.
Your trade union JHL and SAK produce a lot of material that you can share or get information from when talking about the Government's measures in your workplace. Remember for instance the list of cuts that JHL has put together, as well as the comparison between the Government Programme and business life's goals.
Our material bank has ready-made text and badge templates that you can print out for demonstration signs. The material bank also has the base text for a badge.
It is a legal right to participate in a demonstration and in an industrial action
The events organised by JHL are political demonstrations, and it is completely legal to participate in them. If a trade union notifies of an industrial action or a walkout, those members whose work the notification applies to will participate.
Public servants cannot take part in a political industrial action during their working time. Everyone has the right to participate in their leisure time.
Instructions about participating in a strike
- How to prepare for a strike
- What to do during a strike
- Read the frequently asked questions about strike action.
Remember that the only reliable source of information during a possible industrial action is your own trade union. First, contact your shop steward. If they are unable to help you, contact your regional office. If you cannot get help from elsewhere, send a message to lakko(at)
Also follow our communications on Facebook, Instagram and short message service X. Remember also to follow actively the communications of your regional office and local JHL branch, and to update your contact information in the myJHL service.
Strike benefit
A strike benefit is only paid to employees who belong to the union and who have paid their membership fees. Trade Union JHL makes a separate decision about the amount of strike benefit for each strike. Read more about the terms and conditions of strike benefit.
The part of the strike benefit that exceeds EUR 16 is subject to tax (88§, “Tuloverolaki” (Income Tax Act), decision by Finnish Tax Administration ). It is not necessary to submit your tax card.

Past Serious Grounds events
Work tasks and workplaces subject to the political industrial action
- Kuopion Energia Oy
- Enersense IN, Helen Oy's functions
- Helen Oy
Length of the strike
14–16 February 2024, applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Wednesday 14 February and 11.59 pm on Friday 16 February.
Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people's life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action.
Work tasks and workplaces subject to the political industrial action
- Work tasks carried out in Koiviston auto, Helsinki Oy.
Length of the political industrial action The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Wednesday 14 February 2024 and 11.59 pm on Thursday 15 February.
Work tasks and workplaces subject to the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work done in the following workplaces:
- Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd
VR Group
- VR kaupunkiliikenne, Tampereen Ratikka
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Wednesday 14 February and 11.59 pm on Thursday 15 February 2024.
Work tasks and workplaces subject to the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work done in the following workplaces:
- Turun kaupunkiliikenne oy
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Wednesday 14 February and 11.59 pm on Thursday 15 February 2024.
Work tasks and workplaces subject to the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work done in the following workplaces:
- Tampereen Kaupunkiliikenne Liikelaitos.
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Wednesday 14 February and 11.59 pm on Thursday 15 February 2024.
Work tasks and workplaces subject to the political industrial action
- Vantaa Tilapalvelut Vantti Oy
- Espoo Catering Oy
- Oulun tuotantokeittiö Oy, Lööki
- Pirkanmaan Voimia Oy
- Tampereen Infra Oy
- Kaarea Oy
- Servica Oy
- Polkka – Pohjois-Karjalan tukipalvelut Oy
- Teese Botnia Oy Ab
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Tuesday 13 February and 11.59 pm on Wednesday 14 February 2024.
– The political industrial action applies to all work tasks carried out within municipal, parish and private early childhood education and care in all agreement sectors. The following cities are affected: Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, Kauniainen, Vaasa, Mustasaari, Rovaniemi, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Joensuu, Oulu, Turku, Pori.
- In addition, the political industrial action applies to all the support services of the early childhood education and care locations. Tasks related to cleaning, kitchen and facility services. With regard to Helsinki, Palvelukeskus Helsinki. With regard to Jyväskylä, Kylän kattaus.
– The political industrial action applies to all work tasks provided by personnel services provider Seure within municipal and private early childhood education and care in all agreement sectors. The following cities are affected: Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa
– This also applies to other temporary work agencies that supply labour to tasks within municipal, private and parish early childhood education and care in the regions of following municipalities: Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, Kauniainen, Vaasa, Mustasaari, Rovaniemi, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Joensuu, Oulu, Turku, Pori.
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Tuesday 13 February and 11.59 pm on Wednesday 14 February 2024. The strike will last until the end of the ending shift.
Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people's life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action.
Work tasks and workplaces subject to the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work done in the following workplaces:
VR Group:
- VR Kaukoliikenne
- VR Transpoint
- VR Fleetcare
- VR Kaupunkiliikenne, Lähiliikenne
- North Rail
- NRC Group
Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people's life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action.
Length of the political industrial action
The political industrial action applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm on Monday 12 February 2024.

Join the Stop Now! demonstration organised on Thursday 1 February from 12 to 2 pm on Senate Square in Helsinki! The demonstration opposes the Government's plans to make cuts that will bring misery to working life and weaken social security.
Make sure you get the latest information, click to join the Facebook event of the demonstration!
JHL has made a union-level decision about a political demonstration. All Trade Union JHL members who are in an employment relationship have the right to leave their workplace and be absent from 11 am to 3 pm. Of course we hope that you could join the event on Senate Square, but you can leave your workplace and be absent during that time even if you can't make it to the demonstration.
All early childhood education and care units in Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa are involved in the strike. The strike applies to both public and private day care centres.
The strike applies to work shifts that begin between 5 am on Wednesday 31 January 2024 and 8.59 pm on Thursday 1 February 2024. The strike will last until the end of the ending shift.
In addition, work tasks covered by the strike include all early childhood education and care tasks provided by Seure in the regions of following cities, both within municipal and private early childhood education and care and in all agreement sectors: Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen and Vantaa.
The strike applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Thursday 1 February 2024 and 11.59 pm on Friday 2 February 2024.
- Helsinki-Vantaa Airport
- Turku Airport
- Kittilä Airport
- Ivalo Airport
- Kemi-Tornio Airport
- Oulu Airport
- Kuusamo Airport
- Kajaani Airport
- Vaasa Airport
- Kokkola-Pietarsaari Airport
- Pori Airport
- Joensuu Airport
- Savonlinna Airport
- Maarianhamina Airport
- Rovaniemi Airport
- Pirkkala Airport
- Jyväskylä Airport
- Kuopio Airport
A large strike will be organised in the energy sector on 1–2 February 2024. Numerous companies responsible for constructing and maintaining electric power networks are involved in the strike. The strike applies to work shifts that start between 12.01 am on Thursday 1 February 2024 and 11.59 pm on Friday 2 February 2024.
- Suomen energiaurakointi SEU Oy
- KSS-rakennus Oy
- Lahti Energia Sähköverkko Oy
- Tampereen Energia Oy
- Tampereen Energia sähköverkko Oy
- Tampereen Vera Oy
- Enersense IN Oy, district heating work covered by the EIV collective agreement (servicing and maintenance of Helen’s district heating network)
Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people’s life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action.
A strike will stop Finland's train traffic, metro and tram traffic in Helsinki, and tram traffic in Tampere on Friday 2 February. The strike will also affect bus traffic. The strike applies to work shifts that start on Friday 2 February 2024 between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm.
- Work done in “Helsingin bussiliikenne Oy”
- Tampereen kaupunkiliikenne Liikelaitos (the strike does not apply to public servants)
- Turun kaupunkiliikenne Oy
VR Group:
- VR Long-distance Traffic
- VR City Traffic
- VR Transpoint
- VR Fleetcare
- Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd
- North Rail
- NRC Group
Work tasks that must be performed in order to protect people’s life, health or property are ruled out of the industrial action. In addition, passenger night train traffic in Northern Finland has been ruled out of the industrial action.
“Kaakon Satamat JHL ry”, a division for rail professionals, will carry out a one-day (24h) political industrial action on Thursday 1 February 2024 in the railway yards and sections of the port in Hamina and Kotka. In practice, all railway yard functions will cease. The members of “Kaakon Satamat JHL ry” will also participate in the strike on Friday 2 February that JHL has announced in VR Group.
JHL and other energy sector trade unions are organising a day-long strike in several power plants on Thursday 14 December.
Strike locations:
- Vantaan Energia: waste plant, Martinlaakso power plant, Järvenpää power plant
- Fortum: Combined heat & power plant (CHP plant) in Suomenoja
- Tampereen Energia: all places of business
- Turun Seudun Energiantuotanto: Naantali power plant
- Oy Alholmens Kraft Ab: Pietarsaari power plant
- Tampereen Vera Oy: all of the company's places of business.
Members of Trade Union Pro, Finnish Electrical Workers´ Union, Union of Professional Engineers in Finland and Finnish Engineers' Association (FEA) are also participating in the strikes. The industrial action applies to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December 2023 at 12 am–11.59 pm. In addition, the unions are declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps and a temporary transfer ban for 8–14 December 2023.
The political industrial action applies to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December 2023 between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm.
The political industrial action applies to work done in the following workplaces:
- VR Group
- VR Long-distance Traffic
- VR City Traffic
- VR Transpoint
- VR Fleetcare
The political industrial action applies to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm.
Tasks and workplaces that the political industrial action applies to:
- Finavia, Turku Airport
The political industrial action applies to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December 2023 between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm.
- Metro traffic in Helsinki
- Tram traffic
- Metro and tram service.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Aleksia liikelaitos, Nurmijärvi
- Nurmijärven kunta: ympäristötoimiala, tekninen keskus
- Vantaan kaupunki: kaupunkiympäristön toimiala, kaupunkikulttuurin ja nyvinvoinnin toimiala, liikunnan palvelualue
- Kauniaisten kaupunki: tilakeskus, kunnossapito, ruokapalvelut
- Espoon kaupunki: kaupunkitekniikan keskus, tilapalvelut-liikelaitos
- Keravan kaupunki: vapaa-ajan ja hyvinvoinnin toimiala, liikuntapalvelut
- Tuusulan kunta: sivistyksen toimialue, liikuntapalvelut
- Hyvinkään kaupunki: kulttuuri ja vapaa-aika, liikunta, Sveitsin uimala, tekniikan ja ympäristön toimiala, tekninen keskus, liikuntapaikat
- Järvenpään kaupunki: hyvinvoinnin palvelualue; liikuntapalvelut
- Mäntsälän kunta: tekninen ja elinvoimapalvelut, kuntatekniikka
- Vantaan Tilapalvelut Vantti Oy
- Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Kansallisgalleria
- HUS Kiinteistöt Oy
- Helsingin bussiliikenne Oy: Koiviston Auto Helsinki Oy.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Hollolan kunta: elinvoiman palvelualue; kuntatekniikka, ruoka- ja siivouspalveluiden vastuualue
- Lahden kaupunki: sivistyksen palvelualue; Lahden kaupunginteatteri, liikunnan ja kulttuurin vastuualue; liikuntapalvelut, konsernihallinto, Lahden tilakeskus
- Riihimäen kaupunki: tekninen toimiala, elinvoima toimiala; maankäyttö, kaavoitus, ympäristönsuojelu, rakennusvalvonta, Riihimäen vesi; laitosyksikkö ja verkkoyksikkö
- Hämeenlinnan kaupunki: kaupunkirakenne; yhdyskuntarakentaminen ja kunnossapito, luonnonhoitopalvelut
- Forssan kaupunki: tekninen ja ympäristötoimi; infra-, tila- ja viherpalvelut, kiinteistön hoito, sivistys- ja vapaa-aikapalvelut; Forssan jäähalli ja urheilutalo Feeniks
- Hollolan Tilapalvelut Oy
- Hämeenlinnan liikuntahallit Oy
- Hämeen Tekstiilihuolto Oy
- Päijät-Hämeen laitoshuoltopalvelut Oy.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Jyväskylän kaupunki: liikuntapalvelut, kaupunkirakennepalvelut
- Jyväskylän yliopisto
- Saarijärven seudun ravitsemispalvelut SaaSeRa Oy
- Jämsän ateria- ja puhtauspalvelut Oy.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Lempäälän kiinteistöhuolto ja -tekniikka LEKITEK Oy
- Pirkanmaan jätehuolto Oy
- Tampereen kaupunkiliikenne liikelaitos
- Tampereen kaupunki: sivistyspalveluiden liikunta- ja nuorisoryhmä
- Pirkanmaan Voimia Oy
- Tampereen Infra Oy
- Tampereen tilapalvelut Oy.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Mikkelin Pesula Oy
- Mikkelin kaupunki: koulunkäynninohjaajat
- Lappeenrannan kaupunki: liikunta- ja tekninen toimi, koulunkäynninohjaajat
- Kouvolan kaupunki: liikuntapaikkojen tekninen henkilöstö, koulunkäynninohjaajat sekä kouluavustajat
- Savonlinna kaupunki: liikuntatoimi, teknisen toimen liikenneväylä ja puisto, koulunkäynninohjaajat.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Seinäjoen kaupunki: liikuntapaikkojen hoitajat
- Vaasan kaupunki: liikuntapalvelut
- Vaasanseudun Areenat ky
- Lapuan kaupunki: Lapuan urheilutalo, Virkistysuimala Sateenkaari, ravitsemispalvelut
- Kokkolan kaupunki: koulujen puhtaus- ja ruokapalvelut; valmistuskeittiöt ja koulujen jakelukeittiöt, koulujen puhtauspalvelut, koulunkäynninohjaajat
- Isojoen kunta: ruoka- ja siivouspalvelut
- Ähtärin kunta: ruoka- ja siivouspalvelut
- Kuortaneen kunta: ruoka- ja siivouspalvelut
- Soinin kunta: ruoka- ja siivouspalvelut
- Kokkaamo ateriapalvelut Oy.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Kuntec Oy
- Lounais-Suomen jätehuolto Oy
- Turun kaupunkiliikenne Oy
- Salon kaupunki: liikuntapalvelut, tilapalvelut (pois lukien päivystys).
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Länsirannikon koulutus Oy WinNova
- Keräämö Oy
- Satakunnan koulutuskuntayhtymä Sataedu
- Rauman kaupunki: Äijänsuon urheilukeskus, Rauman uimahalli
- Porin kaupunki: Meri-Porin uimahalli, Keskustan uimahalli, Porin urheilutalo.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Joensuun kaupunki: liikuntapalvelut, tilakeskus, katujen hoito ja rakennus
- Opiskelija-Asunnot Oy Joensuun Elli
- Kiteen kaupunki: tekninen keskus, urheilutalo-uimahalli Vespeli
- Lieksan kaupunki: liikuntatoimi, Kuntatekniikkaliikennelaitos
- Lieksan kiinteistöt Oy
- Nurmeksen kaupunki: kaupunkirakennepalvelut
- Mestar Kuopio Oy
- Servica Oy: rakennus- ja kiinteistötekniikka, Kuopio
- Kiinteistö Oy Petterinkulma: siivous ja kiinteistönhoito
- Niiralan kulma Oy
- Varkauden kaupunki: liikuntapaikat, liikuntatalo, keskuskenttä, uimahalli, Kämäri, tekninen virasto, tukipalvelut/kiinteistön hoito, Varkauden varikko; kiinteistön hoito, rakennusten kunnossapito, sähköjaos, tekninen toimi/mittamiehet
- Iisalmen kaupunki: kadut ja ympäristö, tilapalvelut, viher- ja liikunta-alueet
- Kuopion kaupunki: sisäliikuntahallit.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Oulun kaupunki: Lintulan urheilukeskus, Heinäpään urheilukeskus- ja jalkapallohalli, Niittyaron urheilukeskus, Castrenin urheilukeskus, Pateniemen urheilukeskus, Maikkulan urheilukeskus, Oulunsalon jäähalli, Ouluhalli, Oulun uimahalli (osa Raksilan liikuntapuistoa), Enegvia Areena, Oulun jäähalli (osa Raksilan liikuntapuistoa), Raksilan tekojääkenttä, Raksilan harjoitushalli, pesäpallostadion (osa Raksilan liikuntapuistoa), Raatin uimahalli, uimahalli Vesi-Jatuli, Jatulin liikuntakeskus, infra, tilapalvelut
- Oulun keskuspesula Oy
- Oulun tuotantokeittiö Oy Lööki
- Kiertokaari Oy
- PPE Köökki Oy, Oulainen; Juho Oksan koulu keskuskeittiö, Jauhinkankaan koulu, Jokiraitin koulu, Lehtopään ja matkanivan yksiköt, Oulaistenlukio, Petäjäkosken koulu, Yläkoulu.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Inarin kiinteistöt Oy
- Meriva sr
- Pellon Serviisi Oy
- Tornion Työvoimalasäätiö
- Eduro säätiö
- Napapiirin Residuum Oy
- Rovaniemen Keskuspesula Oy
- Inarin kunta: tekninen toimi; ympäristön rakentaminen, liikuntatoimi (kunnossapito).
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 14 December between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps, and a temporary transfer ban, for 11−14 December 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places due to, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that JHL members cannot be transferred from one working place or work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on grounds of the industrial action.
- Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy: all places of business.
- We challenge teaching assistants in the entire Northern Ostrobothnia regional office region to raise visibility in workplaces and social media. Share pictures with the #SeriousGrounds hashtag. Participate in the campaign in your leisure time.
- In Oulu we're handing out sachets of porridge, Serious Grounds badges, and flyers made out of the Orpo Government's list of cuts from 4 to 5 pm on the Rotuaari stage and on the pedestrian street.
- In Pori, we’ll be on the Market Square from 1 to 5 pm. We’ll raise a plywood wall on which you can write your greetings to the Government.
- In Naantali, a #SeriousGrounds event will be organised in Swedish on the Ukko-Pekka walkway after 4.30 pm. Come send your greetings to decision makers!
Teaching assistants will interrupt their work and take a 10-minute break in the schoolyard at 1 pm on Thursday 28 September in Northern Savonia and Northern Karelia. Employees from the following municipalities are participating:
Northern Karelia: Heinävesi, Ilomantsi, Joensuu, Juuka, Kitee, Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Liperi, Nurmes, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi, Rääkkylä, Tohmajärvi
Northern Savonia: Iisalmi, Joroinen, Kaavi, Keitele, Kiuruvesi, Kuopio, Lapinlahti, Leppävirta, Pielavesi, Rautalampi, Rautavaara, Siilinjärvi, Sonkajärvi, Suonenjoki, Tervo, Varkaus, Vieremä
Demonstrations on the market squares of Kuopio and Joensuu and in Mikkeli from 12 to 5 pm by the side of the pedestrian street (by the side of the market square) in cooperation with PAM and the Finnish Construction Trade Union. Information about the impacts of the cuts and legal amendments from an employee perspective. You can give feedback on the Government Programme by writing on plywood walls.
- Marketplace event on the pedestrian street in Mikkeli from 4 to 6 pm, soup is served.
- Publicity stunts in the centre of Kouvola.
- Workplace visits in the Southeast Finland region. We’ll be for instance handing out Serious Grounds material.
- We’re handing out the Government’s list of cuts and sachets of Serious Grounds porridge at Vaasa railway station. We’ll be present before the trains that depart at 5.25 am and 4.25 pm.
- Joint event organised by JHL, PAM and the Finnish Construction Trade Union on Vaasa marketplace from 11 am to 1 pm. Information, barley porridge and sausages available.
- In Seinäjoki and Vaasa, JHL actives and the chief shop steward are sharing information at the entrances of Seinäjoki Central Hospital from 6.30 to 7.50 am.
There will be a 15-minute walkout where members of Trade Union JHL walk out of their workplaces in the following locations and occupational groups:
- 8.00–8.15 am Äänekoski health centre (Catering)
- 10.00–10.15 am Kyllö health centre (Institutional cleaning)
- 11.00–11.15 am Kukkumäki meal service centre (Catering)
- 11.30–11.45 am Nova Hospital (Technical employees, department secretaries, logistics)
The events are political industrial actions that don’t target the employer or valid collective agreement. The walkout doesn't apply to public servants.
Marketplace event in Jyväskylä at Väinönkatu 7 from 1 to 5 pm. Jointly organised by JHL, the Finnish Construction Trade Union and PAM.
- Walkout at Helsinki Airport security check from 1.30 to 2 pm.
- In Vantaa, Espoo and Kauniainen, and in the Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county, JHL members will observe a moment of silence in their workplaces and interrupt work for ten minutes. JHL members who work for the cities of Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen, Vantti Ltd or the Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county will take part in the work stoppage. Public servants and family day carers working in their own homes are not involved in the work stoppages.
- In Helsinki, in the Meilahti hospital area, JHL is serving coffee to those who come for their shift at 6.45–7.15 am. Coffee is served outside.
- In Nurmijärvi, we’re organising a marketplace event from 4 to 5 pm.
- In Järvenpää, JHL and KeuSote are organising a marketplace event starting at 4.30 pm.
- JHL is sharing information about the Government's cuts at Karjaa railway station from 6.15 to 7.30 am together with the Industrial Union.
- We’re handing out Serious Grounds material and porridge sachets in the Tikkurila district of Vantaa, on the pedestrian street Tikkuraitti.
- In Helsinki, outside JHL’s central office, JHL’s immigrant network is organising a demonstration at 4.45 pm at Sörnäisten rantatie 23.
- Employees who are JHL members will interrupt their work for approximately 10 minutes at 10 am in Hämeen tekstiilihuolto Oy.
- In Riihimäki, employees working for the department of technical services will interrupt their work at 10 am and resume work at 10.30 am. They will drive City vehicles to the old marketplace in Riihimäki at Torikuja 6.
- Demonstration on Hämeenlinna marketplace from 4 to 5 pm. Also participating are the Finnish Post and Logistics Union PAU, Service Union United PAM and and a local SAK organisation.
- Marketplace event in Jokioinen from 3.30 to 5 pm. Sausages are served, and cinema tickets are given to every 40th, 80th and 120th visitor.
Work will cease in the railway yards and on the port rails of Kotka and Hamina for eight hours, i.e. throughout the morning shift. The political strike is organised by a department for rail professionals (Kaakon Satamat JHL ry).
- In the Sori Square in Tampere, a joint event by JHL, PAM and the Finnish Construction Trade Union from 4 to 6 pm. A message wall will be on site, we'll also be sharing information and handing out sausages and sachets of Serious Grounds porridge.
- Walkout in Helsinki by Stara employees from all offices and work sites. The walkouts will last an hour and start at 1–2.30 pm.
- In Helsinki, JHL is distributing Serious Grounds material at Pukinmäki station from 8 to 9.30 am, and at Malminkartano station from 8 to 9 am.
- Demonstration in Helsinki outside the Uusix workshop in Kyläsaari from 11 to 11.30 am.
- Walkouts from Kiasma and Ateneum at 10-11 am, and from the Sinebrychoff Art Museum from 11 am to 12 pm.
- Demonstration by the support association for unemployed trade union members (Tatsi) at the Parliament House from 11 am to 2 pm. Trade Union JHL encourages its members to join the event! JHL's people will get together by President Svinhufvud's statue right in front of the Parliament House.
- In Helsinki, on the Kansalaistori Square, JHL branches 133, 871, 872 and 882 will demonstrate against the Government's actions. Sausages and porridge sachets are served. Come and state your opinion on the Government's actions.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Tuesday 7 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces
- Inarin kiinteistöt Oy, Inari
- Meriva sr, Kemi
- Pellon Serviisi Oy, Pello
- Tornion työvoimalasäätiö, Tornio
- Eduro-säätiö, Rovaniemi
- Napapiirin Residuum Oy, Rovaniemi, Pello, Ranua
- Rovaniemen keskuspesula,Rovaniemi
- Oulun keskuspesula Oy
- Oulun ulkoliikuntapaikat ja liikuntahallit
- Lintulan urheilukeskus
- Heinäpään urheilukeskus- ja jalkapallohalli
- Niittyaron urheilukeskus
- Castrenin urheilukeskus
- Pateniemen urheilukeskus
- Maikkulan urheilukeskus
- Oulunsalon jäähalli
- Raksilan jäähalli, harjoitushalli, tekojääkenttä ja pesäpallostadion
- Oulun uimahallit
- Oulun uimahalli
- Raatin uimahalli
- Uimahalli Vesi-Jatuli
- Jatulin liikuntakeskus
- Oulun tuotantokeittiö Oy Lööki
- Kiertokaari Oy, Ruskon jätekeskus
- PPE Köökki Oy, Juho Oksan keskuskeittiö, Oulainen
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Wednesday 8 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces
- Kuntec Oy
- Lounais-Suomen Jätehuolto Oy
- Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy, Turku
- Turun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy
- Turun ammattikorkeakoulu
- Turku Energia
- Salon kaupunki, kirjasto- ja liikuntapalvelut
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 9 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces
- Sakupe Oy, Siilinjärven ja Joensuun pesulat
- Riveria - Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä
- Sakky - Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä
- Itä-Suomen yliopisto
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Tuesday 21 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces:
- Jyväskylän koulutuskuntayhtymä Gradia
- Jyväskylän yliopisto
- Monetra Keski-Suomi Oy
- Sakupe Oy, Jyväskylä.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Wednesday 22 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces:
- Puro Tekstiilihuoltopalvelut Oy, Kerava
- Aleksia-liikelaitos, Nurmijärvi
- Espoo Catering Oy
- Espoon kaupunki: kaupunkitekniikan keskus
- Tilapalvelut-liikelaitos, Espoo
- Vantaan kaupunki: kaupunkiympäristön toimiala, kaupunkikulttuurin ja hyvinvoinnin toimiala, liikunnan palvelualue
- Vantaan Tilapalvelut Vantti Oy
- City of Kauniainen: Tilakeskus, kunnossapito
- Kerava: vapaa-ajan ja hyvinvoinnin toimiala, liikuntapalvelut
- Hyvinkää: kulttuuri ja vapaa-aika, liikunta, Sveitsin uimala, tekniikan ja ympäristön toimiala, tekninen keskus, liikuntapaikat
- Nurmijärvi: ympäristötoimiala, tekninen keskus
- Tuusula: sivistyksen toimialue, vapaa-aikapalvelut
- Järvenpää: hyvinvoinnin palvelualue, liikuntapalvelut
- Mäntsälä: Tekninen ja elinvoimapalvelut, kuntatekniikka.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 23 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces:
- Tampereen Kaupunkiliikenne Liikelaitos
- VR kaupunkiliikenne, Tampereen Ratikka
- Lempäälän Kiinteistöhuolto ja -tekniikka LEKITEK Oy
- Tampereen Energia Oy
- Tampereen Vera Oy
- Pirkanmaan Jätehuolto Oy.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Tuesday 14 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces
- Provina Tekstiilipalvelut – Textilservice Oy, Seinäjoki
- Vaasan uimahalli
- Lapuan urheilutalo
- Virkistysuimala Sateenkaari, Lapua
- Halkokarin koulu, Kokkola
- Kokkaamo ateriapalvelut Oy
- Ekorosk Oy
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Wednesday 15 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces
- Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova
- Keräämö Oy
- Satakunnan koulutuskuntayhtymä Sataedu
- Äijänsuon urheilukeskus, Rauma
- MeriPorin uimahalli
- Porin keskustan uimahalli
- Porin urheilutalo
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Thursday 16 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the following workplaces
- Saimaan Tukipalvelut Oy (ruled outside the strike: cleaning and catering work done for the wellbeing services county as well as home help service food)
- Imatran Kiinteistö- ja Aluepalvelu Oy
- Mikkelin Pesula Oy
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Tuesday 28 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps and a temporary transfer ban for 24–28 November 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places as a result of, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that a JHL member cannot be transferred from one working place to another, or from one work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on the grounds of an industrial action.
- Forssa: tekninen ja ympäristötoimi; infrapalvelut, tilapalvelut, kiinteistön hoito, viherpalvelut, sivistys- ja vapaa-aikapalvelut; Forssan jäähalli ja Urheilutalo Feeniks
- Hollolan Tilapalvelu Oy
- Hollola: elinvoiman palvelualue; kuntatekniikka
- Hämeenlinna: kaupunkirakenne; yhdyskuntarakentaminen ja kunnossapito sekä luonnonhoitopalvelut
- Hämeenlinnan Liikuntahallit Oy
- Hämeen Tekstiilihuolto Oy
- Lahti: sivistyksen palvelualue; liikunnan ja kulttuurin vastuualue, liikuntapalvelut, Lahden kaupunginteatteri, konsernihallinto; Lahden tilakeskus, sekä kaupunkiympäristön palvelualue
- Päijät-Hämeen Laitoshuoltopalvelut Oy
- Riihimäki: tekninen toimiala, elinvoima toimiala; maankäyttö, kaavoitus, ympäristönsuojelu ja rakennusvalvonta
- Riihimäen Vesi; laitosyksikkö ja verkkoyksikkö.
The political industrial actions apply to work shifts starting on Wednesday 29 November between 12.01 am and 11.59 pm in the workplaces mentioned below.
In addition, JHL is declaring a ban on overtime and shift swaps and a temporary transfer ban for 24–29 November 2023 in the same workplaces. The purpose of the temporary transfer ban is to prevent situations where employees are transferred to different working places as a result of, say, a shortage of personnel. The ban means that a JHL member cannot be transferred from one working place to another, or from one work task to another. All of these transfers are refused on the grounds of an industrial action.
- Helsingin kaupungin asunnot Oy
- Kansallisgalleria
- Liikelaitos Stara
- Pakilan työkeskus
- Uusix-verstaat: Uusix-Kyläsaari ja Uusix-Suvilahti.