Make sure your membership information is correct – You can only rely on the communications of your trade union during a strike

Visit myJHL as soon as you can to ensure your contact information and workplace information are up to date. If you’re participating in a strike, you’ll be sent messages to your personal e-mail address and phone number.
Your trade union JHL is currently engaged in an industrial action against the Government’s unfair policy. When your membership information is correct, you’ll receive important messages sent by us. Remember that you can only rely on the communications of your trade union in the event of a strike.
Click to check your information in myJHL. You should also recommend your co-worker to check their contact information.
Check at least the following information
- e-mail address
- phone number
- employer
- workplace
- occupation.
We use your personal phone number and e-mail address to send strike-related messages.
Where do I find instructions on using myJHL?
How do I log into myJHL, and what if I’ve forgotten my password? Read more detailed instructions on using our member service.