Trade Union JHL’s service hours as of 1 March

Trade Union JHL is at your service in many channels.
myJHL is open around the clock
myJHL is an e-service for members. The service enables you to update your contact information, occupational title and employment information. You can pay your membership fee and notify of an exemption from paying the membership fee.
See the instructions for logging in and manage your membership 24/7
All of the union’s telephone services are open from Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 12 pm
Membership Service tel. 010 77 03 430
In the Membership Service, you can manage affairs related to membership and membership fees.
You can also manage your membership conveniently with the electronic form.
You can also calculate your membership fee with JHL’s membership fee calculator.
Employment Advice tel. 010 77 03 311
The JHL-affiliated shop steward or chief shop steward of your workplace helps in matters related to protection of interests and problematic situations in working life. If there’s no shop steward, you can contact your regional office. JHL member, here’s how to get help with employment matters.
Education, courses, JHL Institute tel. 010 77 03 510
There is a lot of information about accommodation, course fees and travelling to the course location in the education section of our website (in Finnish). If you still have questions, contact us by using the electronic form (in Finnish). For all courses arranged by JHL, go to the course calendar (in Finnish).
Switchboard tel. 010 77 031
Contact information for JHL’s personnel
Regional offices
For regional office addresses and opening times, visit the regional offices’ websites.
If the dispute is not solved in the workplace, you can turn to your nearest regional JHL office together with the shop steward.
Local branches
Websites and social media channels of JHL’s member branches
JHL chat
Our website chatbot will guide you to information. The chatbot is available around the clock. You can find it in the lower right corner of the website. When a union employee is on call in the chat, a separate option will be displayed in the chat window.
Unemployment fund
For opening hours and service hours, visit the unemployment fund’s website.