The working life weakenings of the Government Programme are a copy of business life's goals

Trade Union JHL’s comparison reveals that the weakenings of the current Government Programme have been copied, almost word for word, from the goals of business life and employers. JHL utterly condemns the measures that aim to bring misery to both employees and those with a small income.
The Government’s working life weakenings implement the goals of business life and employers. Their core is that employers will have more dictating power in workplaces. In practice, this means that the position of employees will worsen.
Comparison proves that the Government has given in to business world’s demands
Trade Union JHL has put together a comprehensive comparison on how the Petteri Orpo Government has copy pasted business life's goals as such to its Government Programme. Finland’s Government Programme was compared to the elections goals of interest and service organisation Suomen Yrittäjät, Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), the Chambers of Commerce and Technology Industries of Finland.
Here’s one example of a clear similarity related to fixed-term employment contracts:
Business life's goals: Fixed-term employment contracts concluded without a special reason should be made possible.
Government Programme: In future, an employment contract could be concluded for a fixed term of one year without a special reason.
JHL always defends employees and the unemployed
The plans made by the Government that came to power last year on bringing misery to the Finnish working life and crumbling the social security of those with a small income have been harsh to listen to. Trade Union JHL has opposed the Government’s harsh policy of making cuts with, say, strikes and other industrial action measures. #SeriousGrounds is a cry for help of central organisation SAK and its trade unions, including JHL, for working people.
Trade Union JHL always stands up for the rights of employees and those who are unemployed. When there are storms in working life, we’re there for you.