STOP Now! demonstration opposes Government's working life weakenings

The demonstration against the Government's working life weakenings and social security cuts will be organised on 1 February on Senate Square in Helsinki. Trade Union JHL encourages its members to participate. All JHL members who are in an employment relationship can leave their workplace even if they will not participate in the event itself.

We're now saying STOP to the Government of Finland's plans to make cuts that will bring misery to working life and weaken social security. Join the Stop Now! demonstration organised on Thursday 1 February from 12 to 2 pm on Senate Square in Helsinki!

The event is organised by central employee organisations SAK and STTK. JHL is a member union of SAK. In addition, numerous civic organisations are involved.

You have the right to come demonstrate

JHL has made a union-level decision about a political demonstration and encourages its members to take part in it. All JHL members who are in an employment relationship have the right to exit their workplace and be absent between 11 am and 3 pm. Of course we hope that you would join our event on Senate Square in Helsinki, but you can leave your workplace and be absent during that time even if you can't attend the demonstration.

The more people participate in the demonstration by exiting their workplaces, the stronger message we send to the Government. They cannot carry on like this, one must not weaken working life and the well-being of people in Finland!

SAK is organising bus transports to the event

SAK is organising free-of-charge shared transports to the demonstration from several localities, which enables members who don't live in the Helsinki Metropolitan Region to easily join.

There will be speeches and music on the marketplace. Food and drink also available.

Click the link to join the event's Facebook event to get the latest information about the day. To follow the demonstration and participate in social media conversation, you can also use the hashtag #STOPNyt (#STOPNow).

Lähikuva lakkovahdin punaisesta liivistä, jossa etualalla JHL:n logo.

Frequently asked questions about participation

JHL has made a union-level decision about a political demonstration. The demonstration is legal and you have the right to participate in it.

All Trade Union JHL members who are in an employment relationship have the right to exit their workplace on Thursday 1 February 2024 and be absent between 11 am and 3 pm. You can leave your workplace and be absent during that time even if you can't attend the STOP Now! demonstration organised on Senate Square in Helsinki that same day from 12 to 2 pm.

Tell your employer in that you're leaving. When leaving for the demonstration, make sure to finish off the work that needs to be finished off. Absence from work also includes travel time to the demonstration and back to work from it.

Your employer cannot stop you from participating or punish you for your participation.

JHL has also notified the employer unions and National Conciliator of participation, despite the fact that there is no obligation to it according to laws or agreements. By doing this, we wanted to ”double assure” our members’ right to participate in the demonstration so that nobody will have to fear the consequences. The participation time in the announcement is 11 am–3 pm.

PLEASE NOTE! Public servants cannot take part in a political demonstration during their working time.

The demonstration is organised by central organisation SAK and its unions, some STTK unions and numerous civic organisations. JHL is involved in the demonstration and encourages its members to participate in large numbers.

The Constitution of Finland guarantees citizens the right to express their opinion and unionise themselves.

On Thursday 1 February, a political demonstration will be organised. The demonstration does not target collective agreements - instead, the purpose is to influence political decision makers.

JHL wants to be involved in the political demonstration because SAK, and JHL alongside it, demands that the Government will cancel the social security cuts and its intentions to weaken the terms and conditions of working life. We demand genuine negotiation and that things are agreed on together.

You do not have to ask for permission, but make sure to finish off the work that needs to be finished off before leaving for the demonstration, and to notify your employer when leaving.

SAK is organising free-of-charge bus transports to Helsinki from around Finland. Everyone is welcome on board - no membership cards are asked for at the door.

You must sign up for the transports in advance!

SAK's regional organisations, too, know more about the bus transports.

A lot of participants are expected to arrive. The marketplace is close to Helsinki Central Station.

JHL will have a van and tent on Senate Square during the demonstration. You will recognise them by the big red balloons. We will not find out the exact location of JHL’s tent until the morning of the demonstration. We will be handing out accessories from the van for the event.

You will recognise JHL’s people by spotting for instance orange or red vests, balloons or backbag flags.

JHL will be handing out accessories (for instance vests) to participants on site.

You can also bring your own material for instance from regional offices or local branches. Union logos and occupational clothes are allowed, as well as flags, banderoles and signs that are not insulting. Please note that masking yourself is prohibited. Our wish is that party-political logos are avoided.

JHL's material bank has printable slogan posters that you can print out and put up for instance on the notice board of your workplace.

The demonstration is meant to be peaceful so that children, too, can safely join. However, the guardian will bear the responsibility.

The employer can withhold your salary for the time of your absence. You should make use of days off and flex hours.

No, it will not. The union will not cover any loss of income or trips to the event.

Your employer cannot forbid you to take part in the event. The right to express one's opinion is an employee right safeguarded by the Constitution of Finland and international agreements.

No consequences can be imposed on you for participating.

An employee participating in a legal political demonstration does not justify the employer to cancel or terminate an employment relationship, or to end the employment of an employee on a trial period or a fixed-term employee.

The employer must not in any way discriminate an employee attending a demonstration.

If a work task involves a clear risk of causing immediate and serious danger to people or unnecessarily large damage to property, one must for the employee in question look closely into the possibility of participating in the demonstration or carrying out the work tasks in some other way.

If necessary, contact your shop steward or a regional JHL office.

All JHL members who are in an employment relationship can join the demonstration by leaving their workplaces on Thursday 1 February 2024 and being absent from 11 am to 3 pm.

The Stop Now! demonstration is organised in Helsinki on Senate Square from 12 to 2 pm. We hope that as many people as possible can join the demonstration, but you can leave your workplace although you can't make it to the event.

If your work shift continues after the demonstration, you must return to your shift right after the demonstration has ended at 3 pm.

Yes, you can. This is a general political demonstration, and for instance employees, students, unemployed people and pensioners are welcome to participate.

Everyone decides for themselves whether they want to participate. There is no obligation to participate in a political demonstration, and for instance a union or branch decision does not obligate you to get off work.

All Trade Union JHL members who are in an employment relationship have the right to participate in the demonstration on Thursday 1 February 2024. Even if you can't make it to Senate Square, you can participate by leaving your workplace and being absent from 11 am to 3 pm. Notify your employer of your attendance in good time. Before leaving, make sure to finish off the work that needs to be finished off.