Starting the summer and a job? Join JHL, and you will get a bunch of membership benefits and help if problems arise!

JHL’s membership is really affordable when you’re in a summer job, and you get lots of membership benefits! Make the best decision of the summer and become a member of Trade Union JHL.
For many, a summer job is the first step into working life. Join JHL, and you don’t need to start alone. JHL’s shop steward will help you if there are issues for example with your pay or breaks. You do not get this security from elsewhere.
JHL is the best trade union for you if you work in the welfare sector or in public services. We are the most affordable trade union of the welfare sector: our union membership costs only one per cent (1%) of your income!
We have opened a dedicated summer job page where we help you with the best tips for things like the content of the employment contract, holiday compensation and requesting for a certificate of employment.