Private teaching sector returned to the negotiation table

Negotiations were resumed after the summer break on Monday 1 August 2022. The agreement period ended on 30 March. After that, a solution has been sought by exerting pressure with a strike, and with the help of a conciliator. Out of the three conciliation proposals given during the spring period, JHL would have approved the two latest ones.
Right at the beginning of August, Trade Union JHL returned to the virtual negotiation table as a solution is again being sought by own efforts to the tricky labour dispute in the private teaching sector. Negotiations were resumed on Monday 1 August.
JHL, OAJ, Jyty and Finnish Education Employers are negotiating on the sector's collective agreement. This week, intensive negotiations will be conducted on the terms and conditions of employment. Negotiations continue today, Tuesday 2 August.
JHL’s Senior Bargaining Specialist Reetta Kuosmanen hopes that the negotiations will finally reach their goal.
– JHL’s main goals in the private teaching sector’s negotiation table are the same as before: An extensive and thus equal family leave solution with reasonable textual changes compensated through the pay system, and pay raises that correspond to the general line and that are comparable to the latest agreement solutions. One must remember that the pay raises will only be paid when we have reached a new collective agreement, Kuosmanen says.
– After the initial post-holiday negotiations, it would seem that not even the July heat has melted the frozen attitudes. If they haven’t done so already, each JHL member should now ensure that their co-workers are union members and that their information is up to date in the membership register in case of possible labour market disruptions.