Opening times of JHL’s services in summer 2024

Trade Union JHL serves its members through the summer. The Membership Service and Employment Advice provide help with questions that arise during the summer. And joining the trade union is smart also if you work in a summer job.
Trade Union JHL serves its members through the summer. If you have a question or if something that you need to take care of comes up during the summer and holidays, you do not have to wait. Our Membership Service and Employment Advice telephone services serve you with the same opening hours as usual.
The Membership Service telephone service is available Mon–Thu from 9 am to 12 pm at 010 7703 430. Contact the Membership Service if you have questions about things like the membership, membership fees or the membership card.
The Employment Advice telephone service is available Mon–Thu from 9 am to 12 pm at 010 7703 311. This telephone service answers questions related to terms and conditions of employment. It is primarily meant for shop stewards and occupational health and safety representatives.
Our digital member service myJHL is always open. You can take care of things there all year round, 24/7.
Summer breaks in JHL’s services
Some of our services are closed part of the summer:
- JHL’s switchboard and the central office reception are closed between 24 June and 26 July.
- The regional offices and their telephone services are closed between 24 June and 28 July.
- The Education Advice telephone and e-mail service are closed from 24 June to 26 July. JHL Institute does not have courses between 17 June and 23 August.
The unemployment fund’s services are available as usual all summer
The JHL Unemployment Fund’s telephone service at 010 190 300 has the same opening hours as usual. You can call the number from Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 12 pm.
The unemployment fund’s chat is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 2 pm.
In addition to the telephone service, you can get personal service in the Ewertti eAsiointi chat. You can send a message to the unemployment fund any time of the day in the Messages section of the Ewertti service
JHL is there for you in your summer job
Do you have a summer job? It’s good to join the trade union also if you work in the summer.