Nose Day is coming! Let’s support children who need help

Nose Day ("Nenäpäivä") will take place on 11 November. As usual, JHL is helping to make the world a better place for children. Make a donation to support work against child labour.
Charity campaign Nose Day will reach its culmination on 11 November. Nose Day is collecting funds to help the world’s most vulnerable children. At Trade Union JHL, we’ve been involved in Nose Day for several years. This year is no exception. We donated EUR 3,000 to the ongoing charity collection.
Nose Day donations help support children's education, health, safety and nutrition in the world. The donations are spread evenly between nine Finnish development organisations. One of the organisations is Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland SASK. SASK works against child labour in developing countries along with promoting respect for human rights and a living wage for work. JHL is a member organisation of SASK.
How to donate for children of the world
We encourage our members, branches and partners to do good! Even a small donation can help!
If you wish to make a Nose Day donation with MobilePay, the number is 22123.
Bank transfers to Nenäpäivä-säätiö bank account with reference number 4006. Account numbers:
- Osuuspankki: FI44 5780 1020 0003 14
- Nordea: FI37 1572 3000 3844 20
- Danske Bank: FI47 8000 1570 8504 13
You can also make a donation online.
Nose Day will culminate in a country-wide TV spectacle on 11 November from 7 to 11.30 pm on Yle TV1 and Yle Areena. This year, the live broadcast is hosted by Mikko Kuustonen, Hanna Visala and Maaria Nuoranne. Music is provided by Irina, Hassan Maikal, Nelli Matula and many other prominent artists.