New collective agreement for Finavia: pay rises in three steps, the co-operation committee will work on environmental matters

The Executive Committee of Trade Union JHL has approved the new collective agreement for Finavia. The agreement term is until 2028. The agreement brings improvements to both pay and working conditions.
The Executive Committee of Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL approved on 6 March 2025 the results of the collective agreement negotiations for the personnel of Finavia Corporation.
The negotiating parties are JHL, Trade Union Pro, the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN, and Finavia, which is a member of Service Sector Employers Palta. The management of Finavia is responsible for negotiating the company-specific part in the collective agreement.
The collective agreement term ends in 2028
The collective agreement for Finavia is part of the Palta collective agreement for special sectors. This means that the agreement term and pay rises come from the collective agreement for special sectors.
Just like the Palta collective agreement for special sectors, the new collective agreement for Finavia also applies from the beginning of March. The agreement term is 2+1 years and ends on 29 February 2028. The last year is conditional.
The first pay rises in July
The collective agreement brings the employees pay rises in three steps during the agreement term:
1 July 2025:
- 2.1% general raise
- 0.4% (0.35%) company-specific allowance, of which 0.05% is allocated to costs of changes in the agreement text
1 June 2026
- 2.3% (2.25%) general raise, of which 0.05% is allocated to costs of changes in the agreement text
- 0.6% company-specific allowance
1 June 2027
- 2.0% general raise
- 0.4% company-specific allowance
Changes to period-based work
In future, period-based work can include two three-week periods with 128 working hours in a calendar year. Planned working hours that exceed 120 hours in a three-week period are compensated raised by 100% up to 128 hours.
A working group will be set up for developing period-based work. The purpose is to test an 18 weeks long reference period.
– Period-based work was one of the most difficult topics in these negotiations that were conducted in a positive atmosphere. It is good that we now have a working group that monitors this and can make changes along the way if needed, says JHL’s Bargaining Specialist Jussi Päiviö, who was in charge of the negotiations.
A significant increase to compensations for travel time
Compensating travel time of training courses in Finland changes.
Jussi Päiviö describes the compensation for domestic travel as a significant step.
– If travelling happens after the end of the working day, half of travel time that exceeds two hours but is no more than eight hours is compensated at single-time hourly rate.
The report of a training compensation working group is updated with an entry that states that fire and rescue service instructors who are entitled to training compensation shall be paid 30 euros per training day for loss of earnings.
The negotiators also agreed on setting up two new working groups: one for developing the pay system and another for developing period-based work.
Rises to compensations for “stub shifts” and shift swaps
In the new agreement
- The compensation for “stub shifts” (pätkävuro) rises from 33 euros to 40 euros
- The compensation for ships swaps on a day off rises from 39 euros to 45 euros. For 24-hour shifts, the compensation rises from 39 euros to 80 euros
- Shift-swap compensation for every changed shift
Co-operation committee will work on sustainability matters
Sustainability matters will be added as a new item to the list of Finavia’s co-operation committee. The employer is also going to give more attention to supporting local environmental representatives. The goal is to involve the personnel better than before in advancing sustainability goals.
Jussi Päiviö commends Finavia for how they take environmental aspects into consideration.
– Finavia proved that they want to be a pioneer. The personnel is heard in questions of both environmental matters and social sustainability.
More information: Jussi Päiviö, tel. 040 578 5916
Your trade union JHL negotiates on a number of collective agreements in 2025. Follow the negotiations on our website.
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