Negotiations on the collective agreement for universities have started

Negotiations on the collective agreement for universities have started on 4 February. The agreement term of the current general collective agreement for universities will end on 31 March 2025.
On Friday 31 January the negotiating parties of the general collective agreement for universities met to discuss the universities’ financial situation. The first actual collective agreement negotiation meeting took place shortly after that, on Tuesday 4 February. In this meeting the parties talked about their objectives.
The agreement term of the general collective agreement for universities will end on 31 March 2025, and negotiation meetings have been scheduled at regular intervals until the end of March.
There are 13 universities in Finland, and they employ about 35,000 people.
The Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL, the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO, and Trade Union Pro represent the employees in these negotiations, and Finnish Education Employers represents the employer party.
More information:
Matti Sallila, Bargaining Specialist, JHL
tel. 050 513 7851
Katja Aho, Head of Collective Bargaining, JUKO
tel. 050 5921646
Ira Kyntäjä, National Collective Agreement Specialist, Trade Union Pro
tel. 050 325 7507
Hanne Salonen, Labour Market Director, Finnish Education Employers
tel. 040 520 4877
Your trade union JHL negotiates on a number of collective agreements in 2025. Follow the negotiations on our website.
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