Negotiation result on Avainta’s 2023 pay raises

Today, a negotiation result was achieved on the 2023 pay raises in the AVAINTES collective agreement. We will give more information about the result when the negotiation parties have approved it.
Today, 3 April 2023, an agreement was reached on the pay raises that have to do with Avainta’s collective agreement AVAINTES. We will give more information about the negotiation result when the negotiation parties’ executive bodies have approved it. JHL will process the negotiation result on Tuesday.
The result has to do with a review of the 2023 pay raises on the basis of the comparison sectors’ collective agreement solutions. This means that, in the AVAINTES agreement concluded last year, a link was made between the amount of the 2023 agreement raise and the raises that would later be agreed on in the industry and export sectors (collective agreement for the employees in the technology industry and collective agreement for the employees in the chemical industry).
In addition to Trade Union JHL, the parties negotiating on the AVAINTES collective agreement are Jyty, JUKO, OAJ, KTN and employers’ association Avaintyönantajat AVAINTA ry.
More information:
Bargaining Director Kristian Karrasch, 040 728 9046
Bargaining Specialist Karita Alanko 050 302 5246