Negotiation result for the railway sector

A collective agreement negotiation result for the railway sector was achieved on Thursday 13 March 2025.
The executive bodies of the organisations representing the employees and the employer will discuss the negotiation result next week.
Negotiations for the railway sector have been going on since late January at a quickening pace because the last day of the old agreement term, 31 March 2025, was drawing closer.
– We can be satisfied that we reached an agreement already at this point, before entering a period without agreement, says Bargaining Specialist Miika Lumitsalo, who is responsible for the railway sector collective agreement.
JHL represents the employees in the collective agreement negotiations of the railway sector, and Service Sector Employers Palta represents the employer.
More information: Miika Lumitsalo, Bargaining Specialist, 050 471 3408
Your trade union JHL negotiates on a number of collective agreements in 2025. Follow the negotiations on our website.
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JHL is the trade union for railway sector professionals. Our members work for example as train conductors in passenger traffic, railway yard workers, and tram and metro drivers. They also include professionals working in the maintenance of railway vehicles, trams, metro cars and urban rail tracks