Negotiation result for private social services sector

Negotiations on the private social services sector’s new collective agreement are finally complete. The agreement will now be submitted for approval of the negotiation parties.
The negotiations started already in early winter 2022. They were finally completed today, 22 June, as a negotiation result was achieved in the sector.
We will give more information about the content as soon as the negotiation parties’ executive bodies have approved the solution. JHL's Union Council is likely to process the negotiation result after Midsummer. When the sector's ban on overtime and shift swaps ends, we will inform about it separately.
– We worked very intensely, but we are extremely relieved that this quite decent negotiation result was achieved right before the summer, JHL's negotiators Laura Kovalainen and Tanja Tuunainen-Vainio state.
In addition to Trade Union JHL, the employees are represented by health and social services sector’s negotiation organisation Sote ry, Talentia, and social services sector alliance Salli ry. The employer is represented by the Finnish Association of Private Care Providers.
More information:
Senior Bargaining Specialist Laura Kovalainen 050 408 2730
Bargaining Specialist Tanja Tuunainen-Vainio 050 463 2243