Negotiation result for personal assistants on new terms and conditions of employment – collective agreement dispute has been solved

Today, 26 September 2023, Trade Union JHL and Heta (the Union of the Employers of Personal Assistants in Finland) achieved a negotiation result on the collective agreement for personal assistants (Heta-tes).
Negotiations were conducted since January. A break was taken from the agreement negotiations in June because a result desired by the parties was not achieved despite committed attempts. The parties went back to the shared negotiation table in August.
The signatory parties of personal assistants' collective agreement are JHL and Heta.
We will give more information about the content of the negotiation result when the executive bodies of both contracting parties have approved the solution.
More information:
President Päivi Niemi-Laine, 040 702 4772
Bargaining Specialist Laura Tuominen, 050 409 2460
Bargaining Specialist Hanna Katajamäki, 050 513 7701