JHL's Union Council approved the private social services sector’s negotiation result

On Monday 27 June, Trade Union JHL's Union Council approved the negotiation result concerning the private social services sector’s new terms and conditions of employment. The ban on overtime and shift swaps will end on Tuesday 28 June 2022 at 12.01 am.
On Monday afternoon, after a thorough presentation and review of the content, JHL's Union Council approved the private social services sector’s negotiation result concerning the sector’s new terms and conditions of employment.
The negotiation result will now be submitted for approval of other negotiation parties’ executive bodies. We will give more information about the exact content of the agreement at the end of this week.
The other negotiation parties are health and social services sector’s negotiation organisation Sote ry, Talentia, and social services sector alliance Salli ry. The employer is represented by the Finnish Association of Private Care Providers.
Ban on overtime and shift swaps will end
The ban on overtime and shift swaps that JHL declared for the private social services sector will end on Tuesday 28 June 2022 at 12.01 am.
More information:
Senior Bargaining Specialist Laura Kovalainen 050 408 2730
Bargaining Specialist Tanja Tuunainen-Vainio 050 463 2243