Everything correct? – Check or update your information in myJHL and participate in a gift card draw!

Is your membership information correct? Check and update your information in myJHL. When you check your information in myJHL between 23 August and 18 September 2022, you will at the same time participate in a draw of gift cards worth EUR 100.
MyJHL (omaJHL) is an e-service for members of JHL. In the service, you can take care of your membership matters - anywhere, any time. myJHL enables you to, say:
- check your contact information and employer information
- check that your agreement sector (which collective agreement your workplace complies with) is correct
- notify of change of employer, change of workplace
- notify of an exemption from paying the membership fee
- order the membership card
- subscribe to the Motiivi magazine and the calendar.
Check that your information is up to date
In myJHL, in the PERSONAL INFORMATION section under MEMBER INFORMATION, you can edit your e-mail address and mobile phone number. By going to EMPLOYMENTS (under MEMBER INFORMATION) you can edit your profession, employer, workplace and collective agreement. Go check these and, if necessary, update them!
When all your information is up to date, you can be sure that the messages from JHL will reach you. Your trade union JHL will send the majority of messages by e-mail and text message.
Check, update and win a EUR 100 gift card!
Those who log into myJHL between 23 August and 18 September 2022 participate in a draw of 10 S Group gift cards worth EUR 100. The draw will take place by the end of September 2022. Read the rules of the draw here.
If you haven’t logged into myJHL yet, create a username and password for the service. Before that, you can also visit our website about myJHL.