Collective agreement negotiations of many Palta sectors have started

Most JHL members who work in sectors where Service Sector Employers Palta represents their employer are going to get new collective agreements this year. Negotiations have already started on a number of collective agreements.
Collective agreement negotiations have started for many sectors that negotiate them with the employer organisation Service Sector Employers Palta.
At the moment negotiations of the following collective agreements are in progress:
- Collective agreement for Cleanosol Oy
- Collective agreement for Finavia
- Collective agreement for ferry transport
- Framework agreement for the advisory sector
- Palta collective agreement for special sectors
- Collective agreement for the ports sector
- Collective agreement for Senate Group
- Collective agreement for sports organisations
- Collective agreement for sports clubs
– Palta is not willing to negotiate on any new initiatives that the employee side proposes into a collective agreement. It is difficult to imagine that we would be willing to negotiate on the employer’s proposals that would bring negative changes for employees. So, negotiations with Palta are stuck. Companies, on the other hand, see the need for reforms, and in those negotiations that take place directly with companies the atmosphere has been good, Bargaining Specialist Jussi Päiviö describes the situation in the negotiations.
– Increasing cutbacks of money allocated to sports, which have been planned for this government term, affect the collective agreement negotiations, and the negotiations are going to be challenging, says Simo Mäki, who is responsible for the collective agreements of sports organisations and clubs.
Collective agreement negotiations of the various Palta sectors are starting in the early part of this year
The Palta agreement family includes also the following collective agreements:
- Airpro
- Collective agreement for the pilotage sector
- Collective agreements for Meritaito Oy
- Collective agreement for Metsähallitus
- Collective agreement for Campusta Oy
The negotiations are starting gradually in the early part of this year. Check when the agreements end!
The only Palta sector agreement that is not negotiated this year is the collective agreement for Raskone. It is effective until February 2028. However, Raskone has a principle of continuous negotiation, and the collective agreement can be developed further also during the agreement term.
Palta negotiates agreements for professionals of many sectors
Professionals of many fields work in Palta’s agreement sectors. JHL members work in municipal engineering and maintenance, in repair, construction, forestry, agriculture and garden work, as well as heat and electricity production, traffic and transportation, and sports organisations and sports clubs.
Service Sector Employers Palta has about 2600 member companies and organisations and negotiates about 130 different collective agreements. Many JHL members work in companies that in the past used to operate as state-owned companies or unincorporated state enterprises.
Besides JHL, there are also several other trade unions that negotiate on the employee side, depending on the collective agreement.
More information:
Bargaining Specialist Sari Jokinen, 050 461 9316
Bargaining Specialist Jussi Päiviö, 040 578 5916
Regional Activities Specialist Simo Mäki, 050 365 3712
Your trade union JHL negotiates on a number of collective agreements in 2025. Follow the negotiations on our website.
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