Collective agreement negotiation result for Senate Group

A collective agreement negotiation result has been achieved for Senate Group.
The negotiations started early this year.
The agreement parties are Trade Union JHL, Trade Union Pro and the Federation of Professional and Managerial Staff YTN on the employee side, and Service Sector Employers Palta on the employer side.
The old collective agreement for Senate Group expired at the end of February 2025.
Your trade union JHL negotiates on a number of collective agreements in 2025. Follow the negotiations on our website.
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JHL is the most diverse trade union in Finland. Our members work in about one thousand different occupations in welfare and public services. You can be for example a social welfare or health care professional, a youth worker or an early childhood education and care expert, a cleaner, a cook, a secretary, a security guard or a train conductor, and we are your trade union!