Campaign prizes have been drawn – close to 13,000 people participated in the membership information updating campaign

Close to 13,000 JHL members checked their membership information in myJHL during Trade Union JHL’s updating campaign. The campaign took place from 23 August to 18 September 2022, and it was boosted with a draw of gift cards.
This autumn’s membership information updating campaign is now over. During the campaign, close to 13,000 JHL members checked and, if necessary, updated their information in myJHL. According to JHL’s membership services manager Jutta Pekonen, the number of visitors was about the same as during last year’s campaign, although the campaign was two weeks longer last year.
– Thank you to everyone who participated in the campaign. We send our members e-mails, text messages, and also letters. When the membership information is up to date, JHL's targeted messages will reach the recipients, Pekonen states.
Those who logged into myJHL during the campaign (between 23 August and 18 September 2022) participated in a draw of 10 S Group gift cards worth EUR 100. We have carried out the draw, and the prizes have been sent to the winners.