Application period is open for SAK and Kansan Sivistysrahasto grants – apply and get support for your leisure activities
Members of Trade Union JHL can apply for a grant for example for a hobby or studies. Act now – the application period closes in the end of August.
SAK’s culture grant application period is open now until the end of August 2024, and all JHL members can submit applications. Also hobby groups can apply for a grant. The grants are awarded mainly for supporting art-oriented cultural activities
SAK’s culture grant fund SAK:n Kulttuurirahasto is one of the special-purpose funds of Kansan Sivistysrahasto foundation.
Apply for a grant on the Kansan Sivistysrahasto website (in Finnish) by 31 August.
Kansan Sivistysrahasto has a number of other funds as well. These funds award grants for society-oriented research, art, studies, hobbies, cultural activities and educational work. Also these grants can be applied until the end of August.