Agreement period of a good 1.5 years, raise percentage exceeding the general line – here are the brand new terms and conditions of employment for private teaching sector and vocational adult education centres

The sectors will get pay raises of 2.55 per cent immediately this autumn. Both collective agreements are valid until the end of March 2024.
The new terms and conditions of employment for the private teaching sector and vocational adult education centres have now been approved. This means that Trade Union JHL’s round of negotiations is just about finished.
Agreements valid until March 2024
Trade Union JHL, Jyty, OAJ and Finnish Education Employers (represents the employer) negotiate on the agreements. The agreement period began on 8 August 2022.
Both collective agreements are valid until 31 March 2024 and they cannot be terminated before that date.
Increased pay, mainly by general raises
The new agreements will raise the sectors’ salaries by 2.55 per cent, the first raise will be paid on 1 September 2022. Out of the raise, 2 per cent is general raise and the rest (0.55) will be paid as a local instalment. A decision on distributing it will be made by 30 September. If an agreement is not reached on time, also the 0.55 per cent will be distributed as a general raise.
As of 1 September 2022, shop steward compensation and occupational safety and health representative fees will be raised by 2.55 per cent.
In addition, a comparison sector raise will be negotiated for the agreements by 30 April 2023. It will be paid on 1 August 2023 if nothing else is agreed.
More equal family leaves thanks to reform
Furthermore, agreement paragraphs on family leaves were fine-tuned to make them correspond with current legislation. During pregnancy leave, salary will be paid during 40 weekdays. During 32 weekdays, both parents will get paid parental leave. It is possible to take paid leave in a maximum of two periods. There was a desire to formulate the paragraph in such a way that equality is realised as well as possible.
Important goals were reached
As for JHL members, important goals concerning them were reached: The provisions concerning the pay system of administrative and support staff were finally reformed. There will not be changes to the content or structure of pay, but the reformed texts include a stronger duty to negotiate in comparison with the past. This promotes understanding of pay and deepens cooperation and communication on school level.
The agreement solution also includes more substantial local negotiating. When negotiations on the pay system must be conducted more regularly with the shop stewards, it will also be possible to make local agreements on some components of pay. Even this is negotiated with the shop steward. Furthermore, a local instalment is already this autumn included in the agreement solution's pay raises. It must be negotiated and agreed by the end of September with shop stewards. If no agreement is reached on distributing the instalment, it will be given out as a general raise to all employees.