
There are many immigrant-origin professionals among our 165,000 members. JHL’s immigrant activities are diverse and expanding! We welcome everyone to our union.

Today over 9,000 JHL members have some other native language than Finnish, Swedish or Sami. Our professionals hail from countries such as Estonia, Russia, Thailand, Somalia and Iraq.

Courses and events

At regular intervals, we arrange courses and events targeted specifically for our members with an immigrant background. There are events in both Finnish and English.

Regional immigrant networks

We have six regional immigrant networks. The networks have been founded so that it would be easier for those with an immigrant background to get involved in our activities.

The duty of the networks is to make our immigrant members better informed about working life and employee rights. In addition, they function as forums for discussing the trade union and current working life matters. We also have fun together!

Members of Eastern Finland’s immigrant network.

All JHL members with an immigrant background are warmly welcome to get involved in the immigrant networks’ activities. Learn more about your region's group and join the meetings! Also join the Facebook group of JHL’s immigrant networks!

The duty of Southern Finland’s network KaMuT is to make JHL’s immigrant members better informed about working life and employee rights and obligations. It also functions as a peer network where people discuss current trade union matters and working life from an immigrant perspective.

KaMuT = Kaikki Mukaan Toimintaan (Everybody Get Involved)

The group’s objective is to activate members to participate in the activities of their workplace, local branch and union. The network plans activities and cooperates with the union's local branches. KaMuT has its own representative in the regional group of Southern Finland’s regional office.

Come join us!

KaMuT gets together about once a month. Would you like to participate? Get in touch:

The duty of Inner Finland’s Jalla-Jalla! is to make JHL’s immigrant members better informed about working life and employee rights and obligations. It also functions as a peer network where people discuss current trade union matters and working life from an immigrant perspective. The network is JHL’s third immigrant network, it was founded in August 2021.

Jalla-Jalla! = Let’s go!

The group's objective is to activate members to participate in the activities of their workplace, local branch and union. The network plans activities and cooperates with the union's local branches.

Come join us!

Jalla-Jalla! gets together every couple of months. Would you like to participate the next time? Contact Isto Mäkelä:, 050 433 1590.

The duty of the Southwest Finland's immigrant network MeVe is to make JHL’s immigrant members better informed about working life and employee rights and obligations. It also functions as a peer network where people discuss current trade union matters and working life from an immigrant perspective.

MeVe = Meidän Verkosto (Our Network)

The group’s objective is to activate members to participate in the activities of their workplace, local branch and union. The network plans activities and cooperates with the union's local branches.

Come join us!

MeVe gets together every couple of months. Would you like to participate the next time? Get in touch:

The duty of Southeast Finland's immigrant network is to make JHL’s immigrant members better informed about working life and employee rights and obligations. It also functions as a peer network where people discuss current trade union matters and working life from an immigrant perspective. The network provides ways of making a difference in the trade union and society.

Come join us!

To become a member of Southeast Finland's immigrant network, send an e-mail to the regional office:

The duty of Ostrobothnia’s immigrant network PoVer is to make JHL’s immigrant members better informed about working life and employee rights and obligations. It also functions as a peer network where people discuss current trade union matters and working life from an immigrant perspective.

The group’s objective is to activate members to participate in the activities of their workplace, local branch and union. The network plans activities and cooperates with the union's local branches.

Come join us!

Would you like to join PoVer? Get in touch:

The duty of Eastern Finland’s immigrant network is to make JHL’s immigrant members better informed about working life and employee rights and obligations. It also functions as a peer network where people discuss current trade union matters and working life from an immigrant perspective.

The group's objective is to activate members to participate in the activities of their workplace, local branch and union. The network plans activities and cooperates with the union's local branches.

Come join us!

Would you like to join the network? Send a message to Toni Sorsa or Marja Karmala

The duty of the Oulu area immigrant network OuVer is to make JHL’s immigrant members in Northern Ostrobothnia better informed about working life and employee rights and obligations. It also functions as a peer network where people discuss current trade union matters and working life from an immigrant perspective. The network was founded in January 2024. David Delahunty and Natalia Lomp are the chairs of the network.

The group's objective is to activate members to participate in the activities of their workplace, local branch and union. The network plans activities and cooperates with the union's local branches. Come join us!

OuVer has its own representative in the regional group of the Oulu area regional office.

OuVer gets together every couple of months. Would you like to participate? Get in touch:

Information about working life in various channels

Did you know? You can switch the language of our website to Finnish or Swedish in the language menu in the upper part of the page.

On Facebook, the Trade Union JHL page is JHL’s official English-speaking social media channel. 

The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK has a website named Fair Play at Work . The site provides working life information in 23 languages.  JHL is a member organisation of SAK.

Get in touch!

Is there something you’d like to ask about our immigrant activities or joining the union? You can contact our specialists in charge of immigrant activities: