We have an interruption in our e-services on Wednesday 26 March from 5 pm to 5.30 pm. myJHL and omaYhdistys are not available, and it is not possible to sign up for courses or join JHL during the interruption. We apologise for the inconvenience!
How large is the membership fee? Where do I manage my membership-related matters? How do life changes affect membership? This page has useful information on the basics of Trade Union JHL membership.
JHL (Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors) is Finland’s most diverse union. Our trade union looks after the terms and conditions of your employment and supports you in the workplace. Our members work in six occupational sectors, in about a thousand occupations. We call all JHL members star professionals because that’s what you are.
JHL's membership fee
Our membership fee is very affordable: 1.1% of gross income in 2025.
For full-time students our trade union membership is free. Read more about Trade Union JHL’s membership fee!
Paying the fee gives you support for working life problems, very diverse membership benefits and unemployment fund membership, among other things.
Member service myJHL
myJHL is our electronic member service in which you can easily take care of matters related to union membership. Learn more about the service on this page, click click!
Membership card
Your membership card serves as proof that you are our member. Show the card in situations where you need to prove your JHL membership (for instance when you use our membership benefits).
From the beginning of 2025, JHL’s membership card is a mobile card. This means that you need to download your membership card to your smartphone.
The mobile card also contains information on our membership benefits and services for members.
The new mobile cards are sent to our members via text message in the week of 16 December 2024.
New members will receive the text message with the link for downloading the membership card when their membership is recorded in the membership register.
If you do not have a membership card yet, you can order it from myJHL service. The mobile membership card is delivered to your phone via text message.
Your mobile card will be downloaded to your phone into an app called Magma Lompakko. MagMa Lompakko is a progressive web application (PWA), or in other words a web page that can be used like an app. It is not available in app stores. Instead, it is downloaded through a link in a text message.

JHL’s membership card is delivered via text message that contains a link. The message is in Finnish and sender name is MagMa. Click the link to begin.

If you have not used MagMa Lompakko service before, start by registering as a new user. Enter your details:
- First name (Etunimi)
- Last name (Sukunimi)
- Email (Sähköposti)
- Confirm email (Vahvista sähköposti)
- Phone number (Puhelinnumero)
Important: Use the same phone number where you received the card activation link and use the international phone number format, for example +358… - Password (Salasana)
Note: The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number. - Confirm password (Vahvista salasana)
When you have completed the form, click REKISTERÖIDY to register in the service.

After registration, you will see this screen. Your card is now activated. You can continue to use the service in your web browser or add an app icon on your home screen. See below for instructions how to add an app icon.

Once you have registered in the service, you can sign in on this screen: enter your email address (Sähköposti) and password (Salasana) and click KIRJAUDU SISÄÄN.

When you are signed in to MagMa Lompakko, you can add an app icon for your membership card on your home screen.
The image on the left shows the menu that opens on Google Chrome when you select the three dots in the upper right corner. Select “Add to home screen” to add an icon on your home screen.
This step may look a bit different depending on the web browser that you use on your phone. For example, if you use Safari on iPhone, open the Share menu by selecting the Share icon (a box with an arrow pointing upwards) at the bottom of the screen and then select “Add to Home Screen”.

The Lompakko icon will appear on your home screen. Select the icon to view your mobile membership card.

Congratulations! Your mobile membership card is ready for use.
Visit the Q&A page of the card provider CardPlus Oy for questions and answers about MagMa Lompakko (if you do not find your question on the English page, you can change the language into Finnish to see more questions and answers).
If you accidentally removed the mobile card from your phone or lost if for example because you changed your phone, there is no need to worry.
How to download your card again
- If you have activated your card earlier, sign in to the Lompakko app again, and you will find your card there. Do this also if you move to a new phone.
- If you need to activate your card again, you can use the original text message, if you still have it.
- If you no longer have the activation message, contact JHL’s membership service, for example by using the contact form at myJHL under “Contact us”.
- Further instructions can be found on the Q&A page of the card provider (if you do not find your question on the English page, you can change the language into Finnish to see more questions and answers).
If you do not have a smartphone that you can use to download the membership card, you can get a certificate of membership from myJHL service. You can download the certificate from the service and print it yourself.
You can use the certificate of membership instead of the membership card when you need to prove that you are a JHL member.
If you do not have a printer, you can use one for example in many libraries.
JHL has insured its members with Turva Insurance Company.
You can view your insurance card in TaskuTurva app (only in Finnish). The app also offers instructions for emergencies and a search for doctors and places for medical treatment. We recommend that you download both our membership card and the TaskuTurva app.
If you need a travel insurance certificate, you can print it yourself from Turva’s web service (in Finnish, see turva.fi/jhlenglish for instructions). Or you can contact Turva’s customer service to request that they deliver the certificate to you.
Note that your insurance card is only valid when your membership and membership fee payments are up to date.
JHL branch, a member's home base
Each member of Trade Union JHL automatically belongs to a JHL member branch. It is determined by the member’s place of residence, occupational sector and workplace. A local branch is a member's home base. Local branches work to improve the working conditions of their members. They also provide recreational activities.
If you don’t know which branch you belong to, go to myJHL to find out.
You're warmly welcome to join the activities of your branch! Branch meetings and events are listed in the course and event calendar, get involved the next time.
Learn more about branch activities and become an active!
Changes in life
Many changes in life affect membership, payment of the membership fee, and even the amount of the membership fee. Please make sure your information is up to date.
When it comes to members who have not prohibited the disclosure of their name and address information, Posti (Finnish Post) will forward their changed details automatically to JHL. Contact information is updated automatically only for mainland Finland. If you have prohibited the disclosure of your address information, notify JHL’s Membership Service of your new address.
To update your contact information, go to myJHL. If your name changes, JHL will not send you a new membership card.
Are you transitioning from employee to student? Congratulations on your acceptance to school! As a full-time student, you’re exempted from paying the union membership fee if you have no earned income or the right to benefits paid by the unemployment fund. Notify of your right to payment exemption in myJHL.
If you work during your studies, you have to pay a membership fee to the trade union and unemployment fund from your salary.
In case you directly joined as a student member, you’re exempted from paying the trade union membership fee for the notified duration of your studies. Your trade union membership will continue automatically after the graduation date that you indicated. Also remember to join the unemployment fund when you start working during your studies or after them!
More information: young people and students
During your armed military service or civil service, you do not have to pay the trade union membership fee. Notify of your right to payment exemption in myJHL.
During unpaid sick leave, you do not have to pay the membership fee. Notify of your right to payment exemption in myJHL.
Check whether you should pay the minimum membership fee, or whether you have the right to be exempted from paying the membership fee. If you work for another employer during your unpaid leave, you have to pay the membership fee.
During unpaid family leave, you are exempted from paying the membership fee. Notify of your right to payment exemption in myJHL.
When you start a new job, make sure your membership fees stay up to date. To pay the membership fee, either authorise your employer to collect it directly from your salary, or pay it yourself.
If you start a new job, notify our Membership Service. At the same time, you can order a pre-filled membership fee collection agreement. You can also print out the collection agreement.
At the same time, you can switch to another local branch if necessary, because local interests are promoted in local branches. Your local branch is determined according to your employer, the collective agreement of your workplace, and the city or town where you live.
If you pay your membership fee yourself, you can update your employment information either in myJHL or while ordering payment references from our Membership Service.
You do not have to pay the membership fee if you are registered as a job seeker with the TE Office, you receive labour market subsidy or basic unemployment allowance, and you have no taxable earned income. Register as an unemployed job seeker with your local TE Office, at the latest on the first day of your unemployment or layoff. Fill in your daily allowance application, sign it, and send the application and its attachments to the Public and Welfare Sectors’ Unemployment Fund. The easiest way to do it is through the unemployment fund’s Ewertti eAsiointi service.
Notify of your right to payment exemption in myJHL. Notify of the membership fee exemption retroactively, in three-month periods. For example: If your unemployment starts on 1 January and continues until the end of March, notify JHL right at the beginning of April of your exemption from the membership fee in January-March.
You have to pay the membership fee during your job alteration leave. The Public and Welfare Sectors’ Unemployment Fund will collect the membership fee automatically from the job alteration compensation paid by it. If Kela pays your job alteration compensation, you must pay the minimum membership fee. To pay the minimum membership fee, order payment references from our Membership Service. For more information about job alteration compensation (in Finnish), go to the unemployment fund’s website.
If you are going on pension, notify the Membership Service, because JHL will not get the information from anywhere else. At the same time, let us know whether you wish to remain a member of both the trade union and unemployment fund. If you have been granted a full pension, you are not entitled to unemployment fund services anymore. In this case, we recommend that you resign from the unemployment fund.
For retired members under 70 years of age, the membership fee is EUR 8 for a full calendar month, which amounts to EUR 96 a year. The membership fee is paid 4 times a year, one instalment is EUR 24. By paying the membership fee for retired members under 70 years of age, you will be entitled to all union membership benefits, even after you go on pension. Also those retired members who work in retirement pay only the minimum membership fee.
The membership fee for retired members who have turned 70 is EUR 5 for a full calendar month, which amounts to EUR 60 a year. By paying the membership fee for retired members who have turned 70, you will be entitled to all other union membership benefits except for travel insurance and leisure-time accident insurance for permanent harm.
To pay the membership fee, order payment reference numbers from our Membership Service.
You do not have to pay the membership fee for your part-time pension. You will only pay the membership fee for taxable earned income from a part-time job. If you’re on part-time pension without doing paid work, contact the Membership Service.
As an informal carer or a family carer you pay the minimum membership fee, which is EUR 8 per month. It is paid every quarter of a year (EUR 24 at a time). To pay the minimum membership fee, order payment references from the Membership Service. If you work in addition to being an informal carer or a family carer, the membership fee will be based only on your taxable earned income.
If you go abroad without having been admitted to a school or without having a job, you will pay the minimum membership fee. The minimum membership fee is EUR 8 per month. Before you leave, check with the unemployment fund to see if your employment security will be in force. Please notify our Membership Service if you are going to be living abroad.
If you start a business, notify the Membership Service. Independent entrepreneurs working in the sectors of the trade union can be JHL members. They are full-time or part-time entrepreneurs who work without employees. For entrepreneurs, the membership fee is EUR 20 per month.
To see if your unemployment security is in force, check with the unemployment fund. Entrepreneurs can only be members of a trade union unemployment fund for a certain period of post-cover. The unemployment fund for entrepreneurs is called the Entrepreneur Fund.
Notify the Membership Service of your resignation. You have to resign in writing. Let us know whether you wish to resign from both the trade union and unemployment fund, or only the other one. The resignation date is the date notified by the member in advance, or the sending date of the electronic notification. It is not possible to resign retroactively. If you continue with the same employer after your resignation, send the cancellation form for membership fee collection (in Finnish) to your employer’s payroll administration.
Check with your new trade union whether you can authorise it to file a resignation notification on your behalf, or whether you have to do it yourself. It is the member’s responsibility to make sure everything is okay with their membership until the resignation date.
Questions about membership?
If you have any questions about membership, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Membership Service. We’re here for you!
You can also take care of matters electronically by using the form below.