County and municipal elections 2025 – Save services

The county and municipal elections are your chance to have a say in what kind of care the elderly receive and whether there are enough employees in early childhood education and care. Let’s keep people safe from cutbacks!

Trade Union JHL’s goals in the county and municipal elections

Your trade union JHL wants that everyone who lives in Finland will have access to public services also in the future. Our most important goal in the elections is to save services.

  • Municipalities and wellbeing services counties are going to need a wide-ranging group of skilled professionals also in the future.
  • Pay, working conditions and management need to be in order. Employees need to be able to influence their work and the way things are done in their workplace.
  • Municipalities and wellbeing services counties should produce most of their services. Businesses and the third sector can complement that.
  • Municipalities and wellbeing services counties must be secured enough funding for producing the services.

Stand as a candidate in the county and municipal elections

An elderly person lies on a bed. A human-shaped figure that looks like a cut out paper doll stands beside the bed. Words “Don’t cut here” are printed on the figure. Text in the lower right corner reads: “Save services. Let’s keep people safe from cutbacks. County and municipal elections on 13 April 2025.”

You use public services when you visit a health centre, take your child to day care, borrow a book from a library or travel by bus. Municipalities and wellbeing services counties are responsible for these services that we all need and that employ many JHL members.

Now is your time to run for a seat on a council that makes decisions on the future of services. Stand as a candidate (instructions in Finnish) in the county and municipal elections and save services!

During the current Government’s term of office, many cutbacks have been made in welfare and people’s income in Finland. The cutbacks include major changes to housing allowance, unemployment security and more. At the same time the Government is going to raise for example service charges of health centres. All these are political decisions.

You decide what kind of leaders will make decisions in municipalities and wellbeing services counties: will they drive cutback policies or invest in services and the residents’ wellbeing?

Stand for election and save the future of services in your area.

Or get involved in the campaign of a good candidate and work for an important cause!

Municipalities decide things like where the closest library or school is located, what food is served in schools, and the routes and schedules of public transport. Wellbeing services counties are responsible for health and rescue services and elderly care in most of Finland. All these depend on political decisions.

The funding of municipalities and wellbeing services counties comes mainly from the state. In other words, the politicians who have been elected in the parliamentary elections are in charge of the funding. The councillors of the municipalities and wellbeing services counties decide how and where that money from the state is spent: are the services produced by their own skilled staff or outsourced from the market?

Many municipalities have bitterly experienced that outsourcing can have a considerable negative effect on services. Yle found out (article in Finnish) in late 2023 that wellbeing services counties spend billions of euros per year on outsourced services

Public employees are often the most affordable and the most efficient option to get the work done.

Well-functioning and comprehensive public services are the foundation of our welfare state. Without public services our society would be unequal and only the rich could afford a good life.

The current Government of Finland has tried to undermine public services in an alarming way. What we need now is solidary and fair policies that pursue equality and equity.

Public services need countless professionals, whose work is often taken for granted.

For example, running the health services requires the work of care assistants, practical nurses, registered nurses, paramedics, social workers, personal assistants, home support workers, instruments attendants, institutional cleaners, catering workers and more.

It is vital for municipalities and wellbeing services counties to hold on to skilled employees and attract new ones when many of the current ones retire. This means that pay, working conditions and management and have to be in order. It is important that employees can influence their work and the way things are done in their workplace.

Well-functioning services do not exist without skilled workforce. It is essential to have enough people doing this important work so that the employees can cope with the workload.

When employees’ well-being is secured, that also helps to reduce sick leave days. With that, municipalities and wellbeing services counties save money.

Campaign support for JHL members

Trade Union JHL offers support for its members who are nominated as candidates in the county and municipal elections.

Apply for a contribution with an online form (in Finnish or Swedish) by 31 March 2025.

How much money you can get for your campaign from JHL:

  • 500 euros if you are a candidate in just one election
  • 750 euros if you are a candidate in Helsinki; Helsinki does not have a county election
  • 1000 euros if you are a candidate in both county and municipal elections

JHL's campaign contribution is for JHL members only. If you are not a member yet, join us now.

Motiivi magazine will come out before the elections in 2025

JHL’s member magazine Motiivi offers an election advertisement spot for county and municipal election candidates at a special price, plus discounts on other advertisements! These offers apply only to advertisements of the members of Trade Union JHL. Standard prices apply to everyone else.

The dimensions of the election advertisement are 55x145mm + 5mm bleed, and it costs €550.

Our members get a 20% discount on other advertisements.

Issue 1:

  • Book by 16 December 2024
  • Submit material by 8 January 2025
  • The magazine comes out on 5 February 2025

Issue 2:

  • Book by 16 February 2025
  • Submit material by 5 March 2025
  • The magazine comes out on 2 April 2025

Motiivi’s information for advertisers (in Finnish)

Advertising sales are managed by Saarsalo Oy, timo.lepisto(at), phone 044 534 9878

Campaign materials from JHL

We have produced visual materials to help you in your campaign work. The theme of JHL's materials is Save Services. The materials can be downloaded freely from our material bank.

Go and get yourself these supporting materials so that you can use them in your own campaign or when you tell people about the importance of these elections in general.

It is not permitted to use JHL’s logo together with the logos of political parties

Candidates who belong to JHL can tell about their trade union membership in their campaign, but it is not allowed to use JHL’s logo in individual candidates’ campaign advertising.

JHL branches can use their own JHL branch logo in advertisements that feature all the candidates of that JHL branch.

NOTE! JHL’s logo must not be used together with the logos of political parties in advertisements of all candidates. If JHL branches publish advertisements that feature all the candidates of that JHL branch, they can use a JHL logo and use the identifier of the political party (consisting of letters) after a candidate’s name, but it is not allowed to use the logos of political parties in these advertisements.

The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK opens on 4 March county and municipal election galleries that feature candidates with an employee background.

Registration for the galleries is now open. Submit your information by 14 March at!

The galleries are for county and municipal election candidates who are members in an SAK-affiliated trade union. JHL is an SAK-affiliated union.

Candidates who want to appear in the galleries also need to commit to SAK’s three core values and undertake to promote those values with their actions.

What else can I do besides standing for election myself?

If you do not want to stand for election yourself, now is a good time to get involved in other candidates’ campaigns! When you participate in campaign work, you can draw attention to important topics and talk about them to other voters. Contact a candidate or party that interests you.

You can also influence the election outcome by discussing the elections and voting in your workplace or with your friends and family. You can for example share this JHL’s election page and tell that it contains good information about the elections. You can also use your social media channels to share information. Everyone can spread the word about saving services in a way that suits them best.

It is important to get decision makers who understand the everyday life on employees. Let’s all help bring attention to candidates who value public services.

    What are public services?

    Public services are tax-funded services for everyone. They ensure residents’ wellbeing and security.

    Public services include for example

    • day care and education
    • public transport
    • water services and waste management
    • environmental services, such as maintenance of parks and other green spaces
    • technical services
    • integration of immigrants
    • employment services
    • industrial policy
    • primary health care (for example health centres)
    • specialised health care (for example hospitals)
    • social welfare services
    • services for children, youth and families
    • mental health and substance abuse services
    • services for persons with disabilities
    • emergency medical services
    • rescue services, including for example the duties of fire stations and ambulances.

    It is wise for municipalities and wellbeing services counties to run their own services. That way things will be done efficiently and properly.

    A municipality that produces most of its services, owns its energy company and waterworks and produces affordable rental housing for its residents will be able to make the decisions that affect the residents also when circumstances in the world around change.

    Municipalities and wellbeing services counties can oversee their own operations better than the business of a private company. Private services complement the municipalities’ and wellbeing services counties’ own services.

    Producing services costs private companies just as much as it costs municipalities. If private services bring savings in the accounts of municipalities or wellbeing services counties, it is because employees have a lower pay and poorer terms and conditions of employment. The professionals of public services take care of us all: your child and your ageing family members. They deserve a proper compensation for that work.

    If you are a council member, you can have a say in what kind of decisions are made about services.

    Municipal elections

    In the municipal elections, voters elect the members of municipal councils. The councillors decide on matters that concern all residents, including education and training, early childhood education and care, sports, culture, traffic, water services and waste management. These are things that are part of your life every day.

    Stand as a candidate in the municipal elections to save the services of your municipality – and you can save your daily life!

    The duties of municipalities include these and more:

    • day care and education
    • public transport
    • water services and waste management
    • environmental services, such as maintenance of parks and other green spaces
    • technical services
    • integration of immigrants
    • employment services
    • industrial policy

    In other words, municipalities take care that children can go to day care centres and schools, young people can meet at youth centres and all residents have access to well-maintained parks, outdoor sports facilities and beaches.

    Municipal councils are also responsible for the municipality’s operations and for its finances, which include for example municipal tax. Municipal tax determines how much money municipalities can collect for producing services.

    When you vote in the municipal elections, you affect the decisions about the future of services. Your candidate may cast the vote that saves your neighbourhood library, sports classes in the nearby school or the park close to your home.

    County elections

    In the county elections, voters elect the members of county councils.

    Finland has 21 wellbeing services counties. Wellbeing services counties are responsible for health, social and rescue services. This includes for example the operations of fire stations and hospitals.

    Stand as a candidate in the county elections to save the services of your county – and you can save lives!

    The duties of wellbeing services counties include these and more:

    • primary health care
    • specialised health care
    • social welfare services
    • services for children, youth and families
    • mental health and substance abuse services
    • services for persons with disabilities
    • emergency medical services
    • rescue services

    The county councillors decide how the services of the wellbeing services counties are organised. When you vote in the county elections, you affect how these vital services will function in the future in your wellbeing services county.

    Which wellbeing services county does my home municipality belong to?

    You can check your wellbeing services county on the website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

    The responsibility for organising health, social and rescue services in Helsinki belongs to the city and not a wellbeing services county. Therefore, the residents of Helsinki cannot vote in the county elections. There are also no county elections in Åland.

    The election schedule

    • Nomination of candidates has started. Parties have their own schedules for nominating their candidates.
    • The final candidate lists will be confirmed in March 2025.
    • Advance voting in Finland: 2–8 April 2025
    • Advance voting abroad: 2–5 April 2025
    • The election day: Sunday 13 April 2025

    You can check the polling stations from the Polling Station Service of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. The service becomes available on 18 March 2025.

    JHL is active

    Influencing in political decision making is an important aspect of our activity. It is one of the ways we take care of our members and improve their position in working life and society.

    Join JHL!

    JHL is the most diverse trade union in Finland. Our members work in about one thousand different occupations in welfare and public services. You can be for example a social welfare or health care professional, a youth worker or an early childhood education and care expert, a cleaner, a cook, a secretary, a security guard or a train conductor, and we are your trade union!