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Branch operations
In Trade Union JHL, branch operations are run by members. Branches offer all kinds of assignments for members, and that includes you! You're welcome to join the operations as yourself.
There are approximately 400 JHL branches around Finland. They work for a fairer working life and ensure that workplaces comply with the agreed collective agreements and local agreements. JHL's branches make an impact on a local, regional and national level.
Get involved in branch operations as yourself and give whatever input is right for you!
You can be involved in arranging events and publicity stunts or simply participate in them. You can attend interesting training and, if you get inspired, commit yourself to a branch for a longer time. You can be involved in deciding what kinds of activities your branch organises or put forward motions to, say, improve collective agreements or further develop the entire union's operations.
In JHL, a branch is a member's home base. You're a member of JHL through your branch. To check your branch, visit myJHL.
Branches announce their events and meetings in JHL’s event calendar, on their websites or in their social media channels, in the Motiivi magazine or in member letters.
Take the first step. Attend an event organised by your branch. Get involved in branch operations.
What kinds of assignments do JHL branches offer?
A JHL branch has many kinds of assignments. A branch has a Board, and the Board can also name other actors to support its operations. Board members and other officials have clearly determined assignments. Assignment descriptions can be applied and assignments can be distributed according to what seems most appropriate in terms of the branch’s operations. Learn more about the assignments that your branch has on offer.
In the autumn meeting of a JHL branch, a Board for the branch is selected for two calendar years at a time. The Board includes a chair and a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of fifteen (15) other ordinary members and, at most, a corresponding number of deputy members. The Board’s duties include:
- leading the branch
- being responsible for branch operations
- being responsible for the branch’s property and finances
The Board will select officials for two calendar years at a time, either amongst itself or amongst other branch members, and decide about their assignments and responsibilities.
The chair is the most important official of a JHL branch. Their duty is to look after the whole, i.e. to ensure that the branch implements its basic mission. In addition, their duties include:
- acting as the chair of Board and branch meetings
- convening the branch Board meeting
- acting as the person authorised to sign for the branch together with the secretary
- representing the branch.
The vice chair of a JHL branch acts as a substitute for the chair when the chair is unable to perform their duties.
The duty of a JHL branch’s secretary is to act as a secretary in Board and branch meetings. The secretary makes a record of these meetings. The secretary’s duties also include:
- branch correspondence
- writing the annual report
- ensuring that meeting invitations are made and sent at the right time.
A treasurer is the guardian of a JHL branch’s purse strings. Their duties are, among other things:
- paying bills and billing
- branch bookkeeping
- preparing a financial statement proposal
- preparing a budget for the branch Board
The member affairs manager of a JHL branch is an important contact person between the union’s membership register and the branch. Their duties also include, say,
- presenting member affairs in the branch Board meetings
- guiding the branch’s other officials in managing member affairs
- being the driving force in matters related to member recruitment.
And that’s not all
In addition to the assignments above, a JHL branch can determine other assignments with which branch operations are promoted. A branch can, for instance, name
- a person in charge of youth activities to act as a contact person for young members.
- a member recruiter for managing the branch’s member recruitment and highlighting member recruitment in branch operations.
- a person in charge of communications for ensuring that branch communications are up to date (website, social media channels, notifications, visual look, bulletin boards, letters etc.)
- a solidarity ambassador who participates in online campaigns against trade union and human rights violations and inspires their co-workers to participate, too.
- A branch can also name contact persons for various groups of members, such as immigrant members, or for members representing a certain occupational sector or locality.