We have an interruption in our e-services on Wednesday 26 March from 5 pm to 5.30 pm. myJHL and omaYhdistys are not available, and it is not possible to sign up for courses or join JHL during the interruption. We apologise for the inconvenience!
Branches and actives
Trade Union JHL’s branches work to improve their members’ terms and conditions of employment and working conditions, and to promote members’ societal benefits and rights. In addition, local branches arrange leisure activities and courses for their members. To make it easier for branches to operate, JHL provides many tools.
Trade Union JHL is made up of branches, Union Council, Executive Committee, central office and regional offices. Individual members belong to branches, and the branches are members of JHL. JHL finances branch operations with a membership fee refund. The refund is 20 per cent of membership fees paid to the union.
Because branches have statutory obligations, JHL supports the fulfilment of those obligations with various instructions and templates. When there are ready-made templates available, it is easier for branches to do what is required of them.
JHL also provides its branches with many other tools to help with branch operations. These include:
- "omaYhdistys” service
- instructions for creating an own website and social media channels
- printing service for ordering, say, guidebooks, logo envelopes and papers, and business cards
- JHL SHOP where branches can buy JHL products for their events
- material bank.
Shop stewards and occupational safety and health representatives get tools from the union to help them with their work.
The instructions and forms for seeking legal aid are in myJHL and omaYhdistys.
For information and instructions related to equality and non-discrimination, visit our page: Occupational safety and health and well-being at work.