Contact information

myJHL (omaJHL) is JHL’s e-service for members. The service enables you to update your contact information, occupational title and employment information. You can also pay your membership fee and notify of an exemption from the membership fee. To log into myJHL, use your online banking codes or Mobile certificate.
Not a member yet? Click here to join!
Service numbers
Membership Service
Telephone service at 010 7703 452, available Mon–Thu from 9 am to 12 pm. Contact the Membership Service if you have questions about, say, membership, membership fees or the membership card. You can also manage your membership electronically (Membership Service contact form).
Employment Advice
The telephone service answers questions related to terms and conditions of employment. It is primarily meant for shop stewards and occupational safety and health representatives. The service number 010 7703 311 is open Mon–Thu from 9 am to 12 pm.
Education Advice
JHL’s Education Advice is available at 010 7703 510, Mon–Thu from 9 am to 12 pm. Contact the service if you have questions about, say, courses and applying for them. You can also ask course-related questions electronically. (Education Advice contact form - in Finnish)
Problematic situations in working life
Do you need help, but you are not yet a JHL member? Join JHL here!
When you are a member of JHL, if you run into problems in working life, contact your shop steward or chief shop steward. In matters that concern occupational safety and health (OSH), contact the OSH ombudsman or OSH representative. They will give you help and advice on how to proceed with the matter. They are the ones most familiar with local agreements and employer practices.
If your workplace lacks a shop steward, contact your regional JHL office.

Regional offices
The regional offices are open on Mondays and Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm, and their telephone services are available Mon–Thu from 9 am to 12 pm.
Southern Finland regional office
tel. 010 7703 331
e-mail address:
Sörnäisten rantatie 23, 2nd floor
00500 Helsinki
Eastern Finland regional office
tel. 010 7703 650 (switchboard)
e-mail address:
Joensuu office
Yläsatamakatu 7 B 13, 80100 Joensuu
Kuopio office
Haapaniemenkatu 40, 70110 Kuopio
Southeast Finland regional office
tel. 010 7703 550
e-mail address:
Koulukatu 23, 53100 Lappeenranta (third floor)
Lapland regional office
tel. 010 7703 600
e-mail address:
Rovakatu 20-22 A, 96200 Rovaniemi
Southwest Finland regional office
tel: 010 7703 700
email address:
Turku office
Puistokatu 6 A (entrance from the corner of Puistokatu and Eerikinkatu)
20100 Turku
Pori office
Isolinnankatu 24 (5th floor)
28100 Pori
Oulu area regional office
tel. 010 7703 610
e-mail address:
Rautionkatu 18 B, 90400 Oulu
Ostrobothnia regional office
tel. 010 7703 640
e-mail address:
Vaasanpuistikko 17, 7th floor, 65100 Vaasa
Inner Finland regional office
tel. 010 7703 620
Kalevantie 2, 33100 Tampere

Contact information for JHL's personnel
You can find the phone numbers of JHL's employees on the personnel contact information page. You can search for contact information by name or unit.
For the media
The public section of JHL's material bank can be used by the media freely:
Pictures of union management can be downloaded in the material bank.
Contacts by the media:
Communications Director Kristiina Ahonen 040 530 1774,
The Public and Welfare Sectors’ Unemployment Fund, Contact Information
JHL Institute
JHL Institute
Sörnäisten rantatie 23, 00500 Helsinki
tel. (switchboard) 010 77031
Postal address: P.O. Box 101, 00531 Helsinki

From Helsinki city centre, you can reach the institute by public transport. The address is Sörnäisten rantatie 23, Helsinki.
Arrival at the institute
Travel time from Helsinki city centre is approximately 15 minutes.
- By metro towards Vuosaari or Mellunmäki, exit in Sörnäinen. From the station in Sörnäinen, make a short walking trip along Hämeentie and Käenkuja to the main entrance of JHL’s central office.
- Trams 6 and 7 from the railway station to the Lintulahti stop. A short walking distance from Hämeentie to Käenkuja and to the main entrance of JHL’s central office. From Pasila, take tram 7 to the Sörnäinen stop.
- Several buses will take you directly from Railway Square to Sörnäisten rantatie. The Suvilahti stop is almost directly opposite the JHL Institute.
- You can buy a single ticket for instance with the HSL mobile app, from a ticket machine or from an R-kiosk. For more information, visit the HSL website.
HSL’s routes and timetables page shows you the daily services at a specific point in time to JHL’s central office and the JHL Institute.
- Select for instance Hakaniemi, Helsinki railway station, or Pasila railway station as the origin.
- Select for instance Sörnäisten rantatie 23 or Sörnäinen metro station as the destination.
- Select a date.
- You can also select a point in time.
- Seach for a route.
The app shows you bus and metro routes, and timetables. The app also shows you walking and cycling routes.
From airport to JHL Institute
Travel time from the airport is approximately 30–40 minutes.
- By train I and P. From the railway station, continue by bus or metro to the institute.
- Ticket price 2023, zone ticket ABC: mobile ticket €4.10
Those travelling with their own car
There are good traffic connections to the institute and it has a limited number of parking spaces. The parking spaces cannot be booked in advance. As you arrive, contact the reception. There are good parking halls, subject to a charge, in connection to hotels.
JHL Institute’s objective is to offer everyone a safe, equal and pleasant learning environment. We will intervene in all kinds of harassment and inappropriate behaviour. The institute has two harassment contact persons. They are there for students who have encountered harassment, bullying, discrimination, racist or sexist behaviour, or other inappropriate treatment. The contact persons are
- Hanna Takolander, tel. 044 0750 850,
- Tapani Eskola, tel. 050 465 6052,
It is completely confidential to get in touch. The harassment contact persons have an obligation to remain silent. Their duty is to help resolve the situation and agree on possible further measures with you. If you wish, you can also get in touch with the teacher of the course or the Institute’s principal.
JHL Institute’s invoicing information (in Finnish):
Kuopio branch
Haapaniemenkatu 40 B, 70110 KUOPIO
Oulu branch
Rautionkatu 18 B, 90400 OULU
Tampere branch
Kalevantie 2, 33100 TAMPERE
JHL’s local branches
Websites and social media channels of JHL’s branches (in Finnish)
Organisational member unions
Trade Union JHL has a total of four organisational member unions in the state sector. The unions have joined forces with JHL in terms of protection of interests.
Border Security Union
The union’s members include about 1,900 border guards and coast guards in active duty, officers, warrant officers, special officers and civilian employees. The union also has approximately 600 retired members who are still entitled to membership benefits after having been members of the Border Security Union’s predecessors (the Coastguard Union and the border guard union Rajavartioliitto). The total number of members is about 2,500.
Finnish Prison Officers’ Association
The Finnish Prison Officers’ Association is one of the largest trade unions within the administrative sector of the Ministry of Justice. Approximately 1,350 members belong to the union through 22 member departments. The Finnish Prison Officers’ Association is the leading trade union of the Prison and Probation Service of Finland. Everyone working for the Prison and Probation Service of Finland can join the union. The union’s members have approximately 30 various titles - supervisory personnel is the largest group, and other significant groups are those in exemplary employment, office personnel, and instructors.
Finnish Prison Officers’ Association website (in Finnish)
Finnish Customs Officers’ Union
Finnish Customs Officers’ Union continues the tradition of customs service trade unions that started in 1906. Nowadays, two thirds of customs service personnel (circa 900 people) belong to the union.
About two thirds of the union’s members are men, about one third women.
Finnish Customs Officers’ Union website (in Finnish)
Finnish Non-Commissioned Officers Union
The union represents non-commissioned officers on duty, aircraft mechanics, mechanics, contract soldiers and professionals within military crisis management. The total number of union members is about 3,500.
Finnish Non-Commissioned Officers Union website (in Finnish)
Central office
Visiting address:
Sörnäisten rantatie 23, 00500 HELSINKI
Switchboard: 010 77031, Mon–Thu from 9 am to 12 pm.
PLEASE NOTE! Do not send ads to the registry office’s e-mail. We do not process ads in any way. The contact information related to membership, employment and education/courses is at the top of this page. The fastest way to move your matter forward is to contact the correct channels instead of the registry office. The unemployment fund’s contact information is on the fund’s own site.
JHL's central office reception is open Mon–Fri from 8 am to 12 pm and from 12.45 to 3 pm. While the reception is closed (12–12.45), we have an on-call number for suppliers, 050 452 6510.
Postal address:
P.O. Box 101, 00531 HELSINKI

Costs when calling the union
- When calling from a mobile phone network, a mobile call charge (mpm) is debited.
- When calling from a landline, you have to pay a local network charge (pvm).
- The call cost is determined according to the caller’s phone subscription agreement. Check the pricing from your operator.
- When the call is answered, either by a person or an answering machine (queue message), the call becomes subject to a charge for the caller.
JHL's invoicing information
If possible, please send primarily electronic invoices. When sending the first electronic invoice, please notify us by sending an e-mail to
Name: Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL
Business ID: 0116647-5
E-invoicing address: TE003701166475
Operator: Tieto
Operator’s OVT code: 003701011385
You can also send invoices in PDF format to
(1 invoice per e-mail, only new e-mails, no e-mails that have been passed on or replied to)
Mention in the invoice:
- Orderer’s name and division/unit
- delivery address
any other information that helps us allocate the invoice, such as the cost centre specified by us.
Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL
P.O. Box 1491
You can also send invoices in PDF format to
(1 invoice per e-mail, only new e-mails, no e-mails that have been passed on or replied to)
Mention in the invoice:
- Orderer’s name and division/unit
- delivery address
- any other information that helps us allocate the invoice, such as the cost centre specified by us