Conciliation board to start solving municipal sector’s labour dispute – JHL’s Niemi-Laine: The situation is extremely difficult

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland has established a conciliation board to solve the municipal sector’s labour dispute. National Conciliator Vuokko Piekkala proposed the establishment of the board.
The task of the conciliation board is to look for solutions to extremely difficult labour disputes. The municipal sector’s collective agreement negotiations have now been classified as such.
- The municipal sector’s collective agreement negotiations have now reached a point where a board seems to be the National Conciliator’s final attempt to reach agreement. The negotiation terrain is undeniably very difficult, but I find it extremely regrettable that the conciliation process no longer continues with only the negotiation parties, President of Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL Päivi Niemi-Laine states.
Niemi-Laine reminds that both the organisations and the National Conciliator will be deeply involved in the board’s work. The board proposal will also, in due course, be processed by the parties’ executive bodies.
- We will participate in board hearings as experts, and the board will take our views into account. For JHL, it is important that the entire municipal sector will get a pay regime that focuses especially on the lowest levels of pay, so that the raises are clear in euros. The pay regime is a key issue for us, Niemi-Laine states.
The Chair of the board is Permanent State Under-Secretary Elina Pylkkänen, Vice Chair is working life professor Martti Hetemäki.
The board members are:
JHL's long-time municipal-sector Bargaining Manager Jouko Launonen
Bachelor of Laws Jukka Kauppala
Bachelor of Laws Leila Kostiainen
Budget Counsellor Tanja Rantanen
Master of Laws Jouni Ekuri
Master of Political Sciences Tapani Tölli
Mayor Ritva Viljanen.
More information: President Päivi Niemi-Laine, 040 702 4772